
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Another Lovely Letter from Xhuliano ( 2 of 2 Letters Received Today)

If you haven't seen the letter I received today from Sagitaria, be sure to scroll down to read it. I was going to separate the letters into two different days' posts, but I really do like to have the letters posted on the day that I receive them. It's a way for me to keep a for sure record.

Anyway, here's the letter:

Dear Kayla,
I received the letters that you sent me from November 27th, December 17th, December 26th, and January 2nd. I got them all written by hand - all those beautiful and sweet words for me and my family. I thank you very much. With the trainers I got, I go to school everyday and I think of you everyday. I play with them in my physical education class and I have much fun. We had a great time for my father's birthday and we got him a bouquet of flowers. My two sisters Stelina and Marsela love you very much.
Now, I have not go so much difficulties at school as I now know all the teachers and they are all very nice, so I feel that the subjects are easier. I asked my main teacher and she said that I should be well behaved and study hard so I can be a good student. (He was struggling in school. I encouraged him to not be afraid to ask his teacher for help, because that is what teachers are there for.)
I love you and you will always be in my heart. It was wonderful that you had written me about Jesus. I am very happy to learn more about Jesus from my friend.
You are very important to me too. I learn lots of things that I do not know from you. You are a smart and pretty girl and you express very kind words. I was also very glad that you liked the card that I sent you. I loved your picture too - your face looks so smiley and sweet.
Do you have a heating system in your house? What about clean water? We have got a wood heater. I go to the mountain with my father and we prepare the wood for being warm and we also cook on the heater. On the fire, the food cooked turns out to be really delicious. We have got a trio cable (a system that allowes you to watch several TV stations on pay) and cartoons are my favorite, such as Tom and Jerry. I like Albanian movies as well as the stations displaying the soccer matches.
We had a great time at Christmas, for the birthday as well as for the New Year celebrations - I was very happy to receive the t-shirt and other gifts for my birthday that all came in due time. Thank you so much. You are a wonderful friend. Whenever I have got some free time, I take the books that speak about Jesus and I read them. I like "The Good Shephered" and "The God that Makes a Way". (I'm guessing these are books provided by World Vision). But I also liked what you wrote me, it was really pretty. I learned more and I expect to learn even more about Jesus as I believe in God very much. I hope you will write me even more about Jesus, my wonderful friend and I pray to God every day for you and your family. May God bless you and may you enjoy good health!


  1. Oh, how sweet that he wants you to write him more about Jesus! Xhuliano sounds like a wonderful boy... I love the comment about you "looking so smiley and sweet." that is just too adorable!

    1. This boy pretty much demaneded that I send him more pictures of me instead of pictures of other things, haha. I'm so glad that he's happy with the pictures.

  2. Xhuliano's description of you is precious!!! I can tell he really cares for you!! And that's wonderful news that he's willing to talk to his teacher. I'll have to encourage my kids who struggle in school to talk to their teachers. I like that idea!

    1. The way he flatters really is so sweet. I think some little girl is going to be in trouble someday when he starts to write her love notes, haha.

      He just started a new school and told me that he was nervous that things would be too hard and that his new teachers would be too strict. I encouraged him to talk to his teacher about any fears he had. I'm so glad that he did!

    2. I think some little girl will be in trouble!! That'll be fun :) I think he'll be a keeper as a guy!!!
