
Thursday, December 29, 2011

One Word for the New Year

Lately I've been debating whether or not to set New Year's resolutions. I know that every goal I make for myself is hopeful, but doubtful that I will actually complete it. To me, it's kind of like when somebody demands you to do something, and that teenager in me arises and refuses to do it just because somebody else is telling me to do it, even if I know it's good for me.

As I've been reading blogs lately, I've come across a new concept that I had never heard of, or even thought of before. The idea is to choose one word that you want to live by for the year. Just one word. One word seems much more manageable than a list of resolutions to lose weight, eat better, clean more, etc.

As I was reading a book, I started to think/pray (to me, thinking and praying are the same thing. God hears both). Before I could even finish thinking the question, "Hmm...I wonder what my one word should be?" God had already thrown the word at me.

I struggle with patience. I struggle with waiting for God to tell me what to do next. I struggle with patience (at times) when it comes to teaching. More than anything else, I struggle with patience when it comes to receiving letters/information about my sponsored children. Every day I go to the mailbox and I find zero letters (which is pretty much everyday) from my sponsored children, my heart drops. I even tell myself  "don't be upset if there is no letter there." I always feel a little down anyway.

I haven't received a letter since November 14th

So, I'm going to try my very best to not be like this:

And I'm going to try to be more like this:

2012 should be good. Pray for me!


  1. Kayla,
    I just read that blog 3 days ago and chose a word for myself. Am not ready to share it yet, but I will in time. Thanks for this, it helps to know that others are attemping a similar journey with me. Be blessed, Ali

  2. I think we allll struggle with patience. For reals. Good luck on your patient year! :)
