
Monday, June 20, 2016

Project Director Letter: BR-111

I am very happy to share another one of these letters with you today. This time, it's from the project where my girl Maria attends, which is BR-111. This project rocks! They are situated in such a rough neighborhood full of drugs, gangs, and prostitution, but they really reach out to these kids and protect them. And seriously, the building they all attend in is huge and amazing! I am so grateful to read this letter and see that my Maria is so well taken care of


Dear Kayla, 

May grace and peace be unto you in Christ Jesus. 

My name is Francisca Geracina Ferreira Viana, Project Director from Ingreja Betesda do Ceara located in the Northeastern of Brazil, that assists your sponsored child at Espaco Vida Feliz Project. Thank you for sponsoring Maria. 

Actual Photo of Church and Project BR-111

I'd like to express my deepest gratitude for your support. Your help is essential for the development of our work. I am writing this letter to express our sincere gratitude. 

The center is located in a neighborhood on the periphery of Fortaleza with a high rate of violence and use of drugs. But Betesda church, in partnership with Compassion and moved by the love of Christ Jesus, has the great mission to present the Good News so everyone can know the Lordship of Jesus Christ. 

We work to develop the child in four areas: spiritual, physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional, through dance, arts, entrepreneurship workshops, mentoring, evangelism, and sports activities and individual assistance. With our children, teenagers and families, we can see significant changes of attitude. 

We have many histories of success. I think of a girl we have assisted for six years. She once was withdrawn and could express herself only through dancing. We began to work with her, and today, this adolescent has a healthy relationship with her friends and has begun to work in serving others. We discovered a future leader was hiding inside her shyness. Then there was a young woman who came from a family that lacked structure. We have assisted her since she was 4 years old. Today, she is 18 years old, studying physical education in college, is a leader at her church, and participates in the leadership and entrepreneurship center. 

While children attended our center, we see that the relationship between sponsor and sponsored child is of essential importance. Children feel loved by someone that maybe they will never meet, except through letters. Children love to talk about their sponsors. Many research the place where their sponsor lives, about their culture, money, language, and other curiosities. Unfortunately, the child who doesn't receive letters gets sad and discouraged from attending other activities. The exchange of letters gives the possibility for the child to know someone who, although physically distant, cares about them and loves them very much. This love is able to change the world. And to change, above all, their world! This exchange of information makes a difference for the child. 

And this person, who is so important to all of us, is you! Your effort and help will never been in vain. Even when we are facing so many difficulties, the love of Christ makes us continue. To us at the center, the Love of Christ is represented by your help. Maybe what we do seems like a drop in the ocean compared to what needs to be done. But even the ocean, without this drop, would be smaller! This is what inspires us to keep on this journey. Through people like you, we can see how big is God's love. 

Thank you again for sponsoring Maria. I want you to know that we pray for you and your loved ones. Every day we humbly ask God to keep blessing you more and more! So, on behalf of our church, center, and community, we send our endless gratitude for such a demonstration of love for your neighbor. 

In the peace of Christ, 
Francisca Geracina Ferreira Viana



  1. I love it when we can see photos of our kids' projects!! I hope someday I'm able to use the app effectively so I can check for more photos of the centers- right now I can only see about the first alphabetical half of all my kids. :)

    1. Right after this was posted, I found out that my Maria has switched projects. She is now at project BR-322. I have no idea, yet, why she changed, but I left this letter posted anyway. :)
