
Friday, June 6, 2014

Three Letters from Three Beautiful Girls

If you've been following my blog long, you'll know that I don't have too many girls in my sponsorship family. This has not been done purposely, it's just something that has happened. The amount of boys I sponsor/write to far outweighs the amount of girls. Due to this, it's a rare occasion when I receive three letters in one day and all three of them are from girls. You go, girls!

First, I will share the letter from Sagitaria. It's a short letter and the translator wrote so small, that it took some serious studying to make out what was being said. But I think I finally figured it out.

Sagitaria is 10 years old and lives in Indonesia. This letter was written March 10th, 2014.


Dear Kayla,
Shalom mami. How are you? Thank you for your care. For holiday, I cooked. No home decoration, but I was happy to gather with my family for Christmas. A symbol of Christmas here is gobo-gobo (I have no idea what this means). It's sunny season here. Thank you mami. God bless us all.
Next is a long letter from my sweet Honduran girl, Celeste. In February, I was able to send a bag of gifts to each of my kids in Honduras. Celeste mentioned these gifts in her last letter, but it seems she is still mentioning them. :) One of the things I set her was a bead set. It came with beads, string, and pins to make decorations/hair clips. It seems Celeste had a great time with it!
The card she is referring to in this letter is a card I sent all my kids for Valentine's Day. The card spelled out love and I colored it for each of my kids. Seems like it was a big hit!
Celeste is 12 years old. This letter was written April 20th, 2014.
Hello Dear Sponsor Kayla,
I wish you and your family are enjoying good health. The weather here is very hot. In December it is a little cold. I would like to see the snow. When you send me pictures I can see it is very beautiful. It must be fun to play in it with your sister. Why do you not like cold weather? I would like to play what the children play and have fun with you. I like to see how the trees of filled with snow. The street is also filled with snow and it looks beautiful. You and your family are all very beautiful.
Also, Valentine's Day here is very beautiful because our friends give us many things to our classmates. I also give things to my grandma, father, and siblings and they give me things. That is a very special day for the whole world. The card that says Love is very beautiful. My sister Vicky asked me to give it to her because it is beautiful and she loved it. I told her no because I am going to put it in my room. I always trust God for he has loved us today and always.
I will answer your questions: The leaves of the trees sometimes change colors in Honduras. I do like apples. In Honduras the name of pumpkins is ayote. On Easter we cook them with honey and it is delicious and we enjoy it as a family. I made some bracelets and they are very beautiful. My sister Vicky made some beautiful ones too and some hair clips. They are all beautiful.
May God bless you today and always. I love you very much. I send you many blessings.
- Celeste
Last, but not least, I received a letter from Brenda. Brenda is taking all of what I had known about Uganda and writing and throwing them out the window. My boy Eric, who I love with all my heart, only writes me about 3 times a year. Brenda, on the other hand, is different. I have only been writing to her since September and this is already her 3rd letter and it's only been two months since her last letter. He first letter arrived in record time, as well. Looks like I have a little Chatty Cathy on my hands. It appears her project may really be on the new writing system.
Brenda is 15 years old. This letter was written March 22nd, 2014.
Dear Kayla,
Greetings to you in Jesus' name. How are you and how is your life and your family members? Back to me, I am okay.
In our area we are receiving both rainfall and sunshine. We are planting beans and Irish potatoes and we are harvesting maize.
At my Compassion project, doctors game for dental screenings and they found me to be okay. And at Compassion project we had conference where many people got saved and we were having AIDS screening, where I was tested negative.
At our school now I am studying in secondary school at Muhabura Shine and I am studying well. I like these subjects: Mathematics, Entrepreneurship, Biology, Agriculture. So pray for me to pass these subjects and other subjects.
Here I have a verse, John 4:10, "Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” It teaches me to hear the voice of God every day and follow it.
Your Lovely Friend,


  1. Celeste and Brenda are quite the writers!!! I tend to think that writing a lot depends greatly on the child and the project... I love that you heard from all three girls this week!!

    1. Sagitaria usually writes longer letters, but this one was quite short. She must have been in a hurry to get onto the next activity at her project. :)
