
Friday, May 10, 2013

Abu's 11th Birthday!

I cannot believe the title that I just typed. When I sponsored Abu 5 years old, he was just turning 6 years old. He was so little, had sweet chubby cheeks, and I fell in love with him the moment I saw his precious face on my computer screen. I can remember the day vividly. I was in my dorm room, I told my roommate that I was going to sponsor a child right then, and we looked at the World Vision website together. Abu was only the 2nd face that I saw and I knew he was meant to be mine.

I could have never predicted what a wonderful journey it has been to love this boy. I hope we have many years left together.

Dear Abu,
Happy 11th birthday, my friend!
You are certainly growing into a very handsome young man. I think back to how much you have grown over the years and I know that you will continue to grow as time goes on.
But today, I will love you as a beautiful 11 year old boy.
You are intelligent, kind, and extremely loving. The letters that you and your grandmother write to me make my heart soar with love.
I hope that today your grandmother is cooking you your favorite meal of rice and cassava leaf sauce. I hope you eat until you burst! :) After a good meal, and after your finish your homework, I hope you have some free time to play soccer with your friends. I know it's your favorite sport to play.
I pray that God washes his love and grace over you today, Abu and blessed you as you begin your 11th year of life.
I love you with my whole heart.
Your Friend, Kayla

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