
Friday, March 2, 2012

Philippines Update

Last night, my friend Molly had a prayer meeting at her house. She lives in another state than I am, so I facebook messaged her and requested that she pray for God to open doors at my work so I will be able to go on this mission trip.

Today, I go to work and I see a post-it note in my mailbox. Post-it notes are some of the easiest ways to communicate information during the day. Usually the post-it notes say break times, planning times, children that won't be there that day, etc.

Today, the post-it note said this:

"Kayla, I would put your time off request for your trip in now. It's not un-doable, but several dates are already blocked in the summer."

Monday morning, I will be putting in the time off request.

I'm going to be awfully disappointed if I go through all of this, having them tell me to ask off for the time, and then not being approved.

I will keep praying and praying and praying. I have never done anything like this trip before. I want it more than anything else right now.

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying that it works out for you!!! God has a plan :)
