
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Three Letter Tuesday: Volume 19

I have two preschool classes, who meet on alternate days.

That means that I do everything twice. The same lesson plan twice, the same classroom activities twice, music class twice a week.

That also means that I have two holiday parties.

As if one isn't exhausting enough!

But of course, it's also fun.

The first party was today and the second one is tomorrow.

It's going on 11:00 p.m and I just remembered that I should probably blog some letters.

I know that I keep promising posts besides these letters posts, but I just haven't been able to find enough time in the week!

Hopefully soon.

But not today. Today you get three letters. :)

We first read a letter from Milkias, who I always says is not one of my most chatty kiddos.

Milkias is 14 years old, lives in Ethiopia, and his letter is dated September 20th, 2018.


My Dear Sponsor, 

I wish you peace and grace from God. How are you, along with your family? My family and I are doing well. The project has been providing me with a lot of support and I would like to thank you for all your support too. I am a 6th grader. I am very happy and thankful for your letter. Please pray that I would be a good student. May God bless you! 



The next letter is from Jule. It sounds like he and a friend of his has had a pretty big adventure recently! I'm glad everyone appears to be healing up fine!

Jule is 14 years old and is from Rwanda. His letter is dated October 6th, 2018.


I, Jule, your child, greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you and your family. It is raining here so we are growing maize and beans. School is going well. We are about to start the exams for the end of the academic year 2018. One of my friends broke a bone, but it is about to become healed. He broke it while we were playing soccer, but it is not too serious. He went to the hospital and now he has a small wound. Thank you for the letter you sent to me, telling me how you, Gage, and Chloe are doing. I was happy to hear from you and see their pictures. I will continue to pray for their studies, so that God may keep blessing them with success. Keep praying for me and my studies. God bless you. 


We end today's post as we began it, with a letter from Ethiopia. This one is exciting, because it's actually my first letter from Semira. It seems to be a pretty typical first letter. Not too chatty, but a nice way to start the letter-writing relationship. 

Semira is 9 years old and she wrote her letter on October 10th, 2018. 


Dear Kayla, 

Peace and good health be to you! How are you, my dear sponsor? Me and my family are fine, thanks to God. I hope you are fine too. How is life and the weather there? I am doing well in school. My school friends are all fine. We started the new year nicely. Thank you for everything. God bless you you. Bye! 


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