
Friday, August 24, 2018

Five Letter Friday: Volume 10

Somehow, it's Friday.

I've spent every single free hour this week in my classroom, trying to get everything done for the preschool year to start.

I will never get everything done.

Open house is next Thursday.

Everything with not be done.

I will have to accept that.

But, the joy of letters never stops.

Here are our five letters for today:

We start with a letter from Joel, who seems to be doing wonderfully! I am hoping for great things in his future!

Joel is 17 years old, lives in Mexico, and his letter is dated June 9th.


Hello Dear Kayla, 

I want to thank you for writing to me and telling me nice stories that I enjoyed. In this letter, I want to tell you how I have been doing in school. These are my last days at school and very soon I'm going to take my admissions exam for university. I'm very happy because I have finished another goal in my life and with the help of God, I am ready to start a new challenge in my life. It will be one of the most difficult because I will have to leave my house and learn lots of new things. God willing, I hope to pass my exam and continue studying. Thank you for the present you sent me. With it, I was able to buy a pair of pants and two shirts. Please pray for my studies and my family, so we are exemplary Christians and for my sister and me to do well in school and that we are exemplary children for other people. I would like to ask you, what is summer like where you live? What do you do in your summer vacations? Where do you go to? Do you like sports? I want to thank you for being my sponsor and telling me great stories. 


Onto a letter from another young adult, a letter from Lina. She had been studying nursing, but had to quit due to lack of funds. It sounds like things are difficult for her right now. I hope that God can show her what next steps to take in life. 

Lina is 19 years old, she is from Colombia, and she wrote this letter on July 4th, 2018. 


Dear Kayla, 

I greet you in our Lord Jesus's name. How are you? I want to tell you that there are still many problems between me and my grandmother. Things with my grandmother have not improved. Also, I cannot continue studying nursing and I can't get certification. Someday I would like to visit South Korea and learn about their culture and self-discipline. I would like to participate in contemporary dance. I would like to be like Job because he was a man of faith. I would like to meet and talk with you. I want to thank you for your support. I'd like to become a pediatrician. My dream is to help my family because we have hard times. I would be nice to improve our quality of life. What did you want to become when you were a child? I thank you again for your support and prayers. I ask you again to please pray for difficult situations that we have in our house. I will pray for you. Finally, I say goodbye and I wish you blessings. I give you the Bible verse Psalm 103:1-22. I send you a hug. 



Up next is a letter from my girl Tamire. This template letter is titled My Family. Even though I've been writing to Tamire for quite awhile, I had no idea she had so many siblings! That's why I love these template letters! They teach us so much good information. 

Tamire is 8 years old, from Ethiopia, and her letter is dated July 24th, 2018. 


1. My siblings from oldest to youngest are: Amde, Diribe, Mabre, Bose, Zina, Shalo, Damno. 

2. In my family, I spend the most time with: Zina 

3. Extended family that live with me are: N/A

4. My family lives in: Town 

5. My food is prepared by: My sister Mabre and my mother

6. My favorite ways to help my family are: Cleaning the house & child care 

Please pray for my family. I received your letter and I liked the pictures you sent me. Thank you for sponsoring me. 


Another letter from another lovely girl is up next. This time, a letter from Nicol. She is great at sharing details about her life! Her letters come off as so joyful. 

Nicol is 9 years old. She lives in the Dominican Republic. She wrote this letter on July 7th, 2018. 


Dear Kayla, 

Hi! I am so happy to write to you again and I wish that God blesses you always. In my family, we are doing very well. In my studies I did very well. We got our reports and I passed to the next grade. in the center, I keep learning Bible stories and many other things. I want to share with you I'm on school vacation. We will soon have a trip to La Vega. I also plan to spend time playing with my friends. I give thanks for your love and prayers. What is your favorite sport? Please pray so the Lord helps me be more obedient. I bid you farewell. 



Today's final letter is from my boy Dagim. I've been saying it a lot lately, but I am so glad I decided to send a popular children's story to my kids each month. I have been getting so many good responses. Storytelling really seems to be something that is universal. Everyone appreciates a good story. :) 

Dagim is 10 years old, lives in Ethiopia, and his letter is dated July 25th, 2018. 


Dear Kayla, 

My dear family, how are you doing? I'm doing very well with my family. I'm so glad and thankful for your letter. I love the story of The Ugly Duckling. I got a great lesson from it. I learned that I shouldn't judge my friends by their current status because I don't know what their future will be. Thank you very much for sharing such a nice story with me. Please pray that I can have a nice and successful future. I would be so happy if you would share more stories with me. Thank you very much for your prayers and financial support. I love you very much. Until the next letter, be well. Goodbye. 



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