
Friday, July 13, 2018

Five Letter Friday: Volume 4's already past 10:00 p.m on Friday and I haven't typed up five letters yet to share with my viewers. Let's see if I can do it quickly and get it posted before it's officially Saturday and I make myself a liar. ;)

Today's first letter comes from Jonathan, who, apparently, does not like how hot the weather is there. :)

Jonathan is 9 years old and lives in Burkina Faso. His letter is not dated.


Hello Dear Kayla, 

I am very happy to write you this letter. My family and I are very fine and I hope the same is true for you. I thank you very much for the letters that you send to me. My parents and I are very happy about it. I pray that God supports you in every aspect of your life. May He reward you. In my country, the weather is very hot. I hope it's not as hot there as it is here. In a few days, we will be in the rainy season. That will reduce the temperature. Thank you very much for letting me hear from you. At school, everything is going well too and soon we will have our school break. 


Up next is a letter template entitled My Project Learning and this letter comes from one of my newest girls, Amina. I am still learning about her, so these templates are so helpful. 

Amina is 5 years old, lives in Uganda, and her letter is dated June 2nd, 2018. 


1. In my project I am learning about: All the created things 

2. My favorite thing that I have learned in my project is: That God created me in his image and that he loves us all. 

3. About taking care of my body, I have learned: To bathe regularly and brush my teeth. 

4. About being polite and kind, I have learned: To love my friends

5. About my emotions, I have learned: To always be happy 

Dear Kayla, 

Amina says hello. She says thank you so much for loving her and always sending her letters. She says she is writing to you. She asks, "How are you and everyone there?" She says that here are her family members: Her mother Sylvia is 43, her father Didas is 64, her sister Janet is 20, her sister Uwimana is 12, and her brother Edimo is 10. She says that she has started school and everything is going well. She says pray for her that she can easily pick up things while at school. May God bless you. 


This next letter is a super short note from Enmanuel, who apparently had better things to do than waste time on his letter writing that day at the project. ;) 

Enmanuel is 10 years old and he lives in the Dominican Republic. He wrote this letter on May 29th, 2018.


Hello Dear Sponsor Kayla, 

May God bless you. How are you? My family and I are fine. I am doing well in school. I had a merry Christmas and I have a good time in the center. I hope you have a good time too. Please pray for my family. 


Onto our next letter! It is from Lenin and he is writing to me on the My Favorites template. 

Lenin is 6 years old, from Peru, and he wrote this letter on June 7th, 2018. 


1. My favorite sport is: Soccer 

2. My favorite color is: Blue 

3. My favorite animal is: Rabbit & Dog 

4. My favorite hero is: Captain America 

5. My best friend is: Leo 

Dear Sponsor Kayla, 

Lenin greets you with my affection. He thanks you for the letters and stories you have sent him. We read the Ugly Duckling and Goldilocks and the Three Bears together. Lenin says that he loves you very much and he is happy that you are his sponsor. He says that he likes soccer. His favorite position to play is goalkeeper, to help avoid the other team scoring goals. He would like you to pray for his mom Fiorella, who is sick. Please pray for her recovery. He prays for God to bless you. He wants to know about what you like to do. He hopes to receive more stories from you. He says goodbye with happiness, hugs, and kisses. He thanks you for your drawing pages. 


And it looks like I'll make my goal of having this posted on Friday. :) 

This last letter is from my sweet girl Carolin. She is writing to me on the My Christian Learning template this time around. 

Carolin is 6 years old, from the Dominican Republic, and her letter is dated May 30th, 2018. 


1. My favorite Bible story is: Noah's Ark 

2. My favorite Bible verse is: Psalm 23:1, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." 

3. My favorite thing about Jesus is: His love

4. When I pray to Jesus, I pray about: My family, my friends, and my sponsor 

5. My favorite song to sing at the project is: I Have a Friend Who Loves Me 

Hello Kayla, 

May God's peace and love bless you. Carolin says she is fine and happy for the letters you send to her. She has so much fun outdoors. She has accepted Jesus and she is learning how to write on the board. Please pray for her family and for the other kids at the project. With love, she sends a kiss.


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