
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Another Two Letters Make Ten

It's the last day of June and I woke up to another two letters! That makes ten total letters for the month. That is still fewer letters that I typically received each month before the new system, but still an improvement on the only five letters I received in May. Things are improving. Let's hope for even more letters in July! I have several new children, since March, that I still haven't heard from yet. I would love to see first letters come through for them. 

First up, I'll share the letter I received from Kwizera Yves. At the end of this letter, he is answering the questions I asked about why sponsors are important and what he likes hearing about in letters. He is 11 years old and lives in Rwanda. His letter is dated April 15th, 2016. 


Dear Kayla,

I first greet you in Jesus Christ's name. I wish you God's peace. My family and I, we love you so much and we pray for you always. We had a blessed Easter with my parents and my siblings. We went to pray. In Rwanda, we are in the rainy season. We have completed term one. We are preparing to start term two. I request you to pray for me to succeed. How was Easter for you? May God keep waiting over you and your family. Thank you so much. I thank you for the letter you sent me. It pleased me very much. Let me go by answering your questions: 1. Compassion helps me to get clothes, petroleum, and school fees. 2. It is good to have a sponsor because they care and pray for the child. 3. What I can tell my sponsor is that I want to see you. 4. I wish you God's blessings for the love you have for me. 5. I wish to know your news from your country. 

Kwizera Yves


Now, onto a letter from Celeste. She is from Honduras and is 14 years old. Her letter is dated April 30th, 2016. 


Hello Dear Friend Kayla,

I hope that you and your family are in good health. I want to thank you for the pictures of Gage and Chloe. I'm very happy that you enjoy your work. I like very much your prayer of the hand and five fingers. My tutor tells me that she is going to teach her class about it and I know it will help me a lot. We had a beautiful and excellent Christmas with my parents, friends, and loved ones. We shared traditional food. Thank you for always thinking of my family. I like to follow rules. Yes, I know the rules of the school and the CDC. My parents also set rules and I try to comply with them and obey them. I have read a lot and I have learned a lot about the ten commandments and the story of Moses and the plagues that God sent to people of Egypt for the disobedience of the Pharaoh. I want to share with you this bible verse in Ecclesiastes 11:9. With hugs and kisses. 

With Much Love,


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Two Letters to Share

Hello, again. Recently, I have received two letters from two of my teen girls. I have to admit, I still love the new system, but I was really expecting better things from it, by this point. It's been up and running for two months now and most of my letters aren't traveling any faster than they were before the system started. A few letter have gone fast, others (such as the ones received today) are traveling at about the same speed as before, and sadly, I haven't heard from most of my kids in months. Last year, I heard from my almost all of my kids every two months, on the dot. At this point, many of my kids are 3-4 months since I last heard from them. I really hope they work these glitches out soon. I have several kids graduating within the next year and I would really like to hear from them a few times before then.

Anyway, no more whining. Onto the letters.

First, I'll share a letter from Brenda. She is 17 years old and lives in Uganda. Her letter is dated April 20th, 2016.


Dear Kayla, 

How are you and how are your family members? Back to me, I am okay. I am greeting you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

In our area, we are receiving both sunshine and rainfall and we are weeding beans and irish potatoes. 

In my school, my studies are well and my choice is to be a nurse. The subjects I like best are physics and mathematics. Dear sponsor, continue to pray for me so that your prayers can help my studies. 

Now, I am still a choir leader and I am a sports prefect. Even at the project, I am a sports prefect, so I guess I have a talent of being a footballer lady. 

Thank you for sending me letters. I received them all. Here I have a verse from Matthew 7:1. It says, "Judge not, that you be not judged." It teaches me not to judge others. Thank you. 

Yours Faithfully,


Now I will share the letter I received from Emanise. She is 16 years old and lives in Haiti. Her letter is dated April 30th, 2016. 


Dear Kayla, 

Psalm 94:17, "Unless the Lord had given me help, I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death" 

Hello Kayla! How are you? How is your family? My family and I are very well by God's grace. I am very glad to hear from you. I hope that God will always protect you in all that you do. I am glad to receive your letter. Thank you for thinking of me. I will answer some of your questions. My house is made of blocks. I am living with my mother and stepfather. I sleep in a bed. The most common job we have in my community is mason. I am glad to answer some of your questions. I love you so much. May God bless you. 



Monday, June 27, 2016

Project Director Letter: ET-576

Onto another project letter! Whoo hoo! This time, from ET-576, which is the project that my boy Fetehalew attends. He's one of my newer kids, so I don't know too much about him yet, but I am looking forward to getting to know him!


Dear Kayla, 

My name is Muluken Abate and I am the leader of the Bahir Dar Mekane Yesus Evangelical Church, where our Child Development Center operates. It is located in the Amhara administrative state in the city of Bahir Dar. 

Dear sponsors, because you help us accomplish this great work of the Lord in a holistic ministry by sponsoring Fetehalew. We express our gratitude to you. Your contribution to the needy will be highly rewarded by God. It has helped us to support many children, one sponsor at a time. 

We make sure that the center plans for the holistic development of the children in the physical, spiritual, cognitive, and socio-economic aspects is implemented correctly.

We simultaneously integrate these holistic works with the outreach of the Gospel of Jesus, and this has brought a great impact in our community, erasing the negative outlook they had in the past for the church. 

In our center, almost all the children attend Sunday school and other programs to increase their general knowledge. We provide weekly classes to our children where we witness about Jesus. We also conduct regular visits at the homes of the children's families. We exchange ideas with the children's parents about spiritual matters. We listen carefully to their comments, collecting all the feedback, which is very important as we plan our activities. This center is very important for the work of the Gospel. 

Last year, we organized special retreat programs for the children. We also hosted holiday celebrations, during which we preached the Gospel to increase their spiritual knowledge. 

The center is making a great impact in the lives of the children, their parents, and the community at large. I receive a lot of feedback from individuals who benefit from these supports and gifts. When we compare our center's ministry with similar ones in our community, higher results are reflected in ours. 

As our center is just one year old, we haven't started using the My Plan for Tomorrow format for the children yet, but we believe that we will apply it in the coming years, along with training on income-generating skills. 

The child-sponsor letter exchange is very valuable for strengthening their relationship. When the children get letters from their sponsors, the express great happiness. It also helps the sponsor to know about the whereabouts and the condition of the child. Though no sponsor has visited here, so far, we hope some will be able to in the future. We believe that such physical contact will enable them to know and understand each other better and build a familial-type relationship. We invite you to visit us when the possibility arises. 

Dear sponsors, please pray for us to progress in our spiritual understanding, for the development of our country, for the center's work, and for the number of children at the center, and for our faith to increase. 

Finally, I don't have enough words to express my gratitude to you for sponsoring Fetehalew. May God bless you double fold for all your good works toward this center. One of your rewards is the fact that many of our children have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Rejoice in it! May you and your family be blessed spiritually, financially, and in all other areas for all your years of life on earth. May God bless your country too! I will keep praying for you. 

God bless you,
Muluken Abate


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Two Photos Updates & A New Correspondent Child

It was a great Friday yesterday! I was just minding my own business and all these new faces kept showing up on my account. :)

First up, I got a new photo of my young man Jhon from Bolivia. His photo last updated 18 months ago, so this was a surprise update!

And check out how big my Solomon is getting! 

Then I saw a brand new face! Compassion had filled the last part of my request for three teenagers. Meet 13 year old Agness from Tanzania. I love her already! 

I am so blessed to be a part of Compassion's correspondent program. I thank God everyday for being able to get to know and encourage these children through letters! 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Two New Correspondent Young Men

Three months ago, I added myself to the waiting list to have three new teenagers added to my family of correspondent children. On June 16th and June 17th, respectively, I was assigned two of those teenagers (the third one will arrive at some point) and I want to share my new young men with you.

Meet 18 year old Rela from East India:

I actually got a completely different photo of Rela last week, when he showed up on my account, but his photo updated just today, so I posted the newest one instead. That smile! 

And 18 year Edison from Ecuador: 

Edison graduates from high school very soon and will graduate from Compassion this December, so I am going to write him as often as I can until then. I want to let him know how wonderful he is before he goes out into the "real world." 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Project Director Letter: BR-111

I am very happy to share another one of these letters with you today. This time, it's from the project where my girl Maria attends, which is BR-111. This project rocks! They are situated in such a rough neighborhood full of drugs, gangs, and prostitution, but they really reach out to these kids and protect them. And seriously, the building they all attend in is huge and amazing! I am so grateful to read this letter and see that my Maria is so well taken care of


Dear Kayla, 

May grace and peace be unto you in Christ Jesus. 

My name is Francisca Geracina Ferreira Viana, Project Director from Ingreja Betesda do Ceara located in the Northeastern of Brazil, that assists your sponsored child at Espaco Vida Feliz Project. Thank you for sponsoring Maria. 

Actual Photo of Church and Project BR-111

I'd like to express my deepest gratitude for your support. Your help is essential for the development of our work. I am writing this letter to express our sincere gratitude. 

The center is located in a neighborhood on the periphery of Fortaleza with a high rate of violence and use of drugs. But Betesda church, in partnership with Compassion and moved by the love of Christ Jesus, has the great mission to present the Good News so everyone can know the Lordship of Jesus Christ. 

We work to develop the child in four areas: spiritual, physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional, through dance, arts, entrepreneurship workshops, mentoring, evangelism, and sports activities and individual assistance. With our children, teenagers and families, we can see significant changes of attitude. 

We have many histories of success. I think of a girl we have assisted for six years. She once was withdrawn and could express herself only through dancing. We began to work with her, and today, this adolescent has a healthy relationship with her friends and has begun to work in serving others. We discovered a future leader was hiding inside her shyness. Then there was a young woman who came from a family that lacked structure. We have assisted her since she was 4 years old. Today, she is 18 years old, studying physical education in college, is a leader at her church, and participates in the leadership and entrepreneurship center. 

While children attended our center, we see that the relationship between sponsor and sponsored child is of essential importance. Children feel loved by someone that maybe they will never meet, except through letters. Children love to talk about their sponsors. Many research the place where their sponsor lives, about their culture, money, language, and other curiosities. Unfortunately, the child who doesn't receive letters gets sad and discouraged from attending other activities. The exchange of letters gives the possibility for the child to know someone who, although physically distant, cares about them and loves them very much. This love is able to change the world. And to change, above all, their world! This exchange of information makes a difference for the child. 

And this person, who is so important to all of us, is you! Your effort and help will never been in vain. Even when we are facing so many difficulties, the love of Christ makes us continue. To us at the center, the Love of Christ is represented by your help. Maybe what we do seems like a drop in the ocean compared to what needs to be done. But even the ocean, without this drop, would be smaller! This is what inspires us to keep on this journey. Through people like you, we can see how big is God's love. 

Thank you again for sponsoring Maria. I want you to know that we pray for you and your loved ones. Every day we humbly ask God to keep blessing you more and more! So, on behalf of our church, center, and community, we send our endless gratitude for such a demonstration of love for your neighbor. 

In the peace of Christ, 
Francisca Geracina Ferreira Viana


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sagar's Updated Photo: 2016

My handsome Sagar is growing up! He no longer looks like a little boy to me, but a young man. It's amazing how quickly our kids grow and change.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Letters from Africa Rolling In

Today, I saw two green completed bars on my account. They were both from one of my boys in Africa. I know many people have negative feelings about this new online system, but I just love it so much. I think it's one of the greatest things Compassion has done, besides, you know, helping children escape poverty in Jesus' name.

First up, I'll share the letter from Haji. This is my very first letter from him. His letter was written on June 2nd and I received it today. That is only two weeks!

Haji is 13 years old and lives in Tanzania.


Dear Kayla, 

Praise the Lord Jesus! My family and I are doing fine. How are you and your family doing? I am doing well in my studies at school, thanks to God. We are in a one month holiday. I welcome you to Tanzania. I am happy to write this letter to you. I pray for you to be protected by God and to be given a long life. I wish one day I will meet you. My parents will be very happy to see you. I will keep on praying for you and your family. I really like to play football and ride a bicycle. 



The other letter I received was from Taye. His letter was still on the old stationery, so I know that it didn't go through the new system from his country to the US. It wasn't scanned electronically until it got to the office in Colorado, which explains why it took longer than most letters have been taking with the new system. 

Taye is 19 years old and lives in Ethiopia. His letter is dated February 23rd, 2016. 


Dear Kayla, 

My dear sponsor, Kayla. May the Lord's peace be with you. How are you doing? My family is in peace. Thank you so much for all your support, reaching me through the project office. Here, I spent Christmas in joy, along with my friends. I am doing fine in my education. I also work as a mechanic in my free time. I love you so much. Thank you for your helpful letters. May the Lord keep you in peace. I love you so much. See you soon. 



Monday, June 13, 2016

Project Director Letter: ET-513

Another Monday, another letter! Let's hear from ET-513, which is the project that my girl Enatenesh attends.


Dear Kayla,

 I am Abera Daba, the Project Director of Akaki Beseka MYC Student Center attended by your sponsored child, located in the Addis Ababa region of Ethopia. 

Thank you so much for the support and hope you give to Enatenesh. 

A girl at our center is nine years old. Apart from the name, she has never known her biological father. Her mother also left when she was a baby, yet in the small house they were living saying she was going to the shop, leaving a plastic bag holding the clothes near her baby and disappeared. Nobody knows whether she is dead or alive. It is at this time that a workmate friend of her mother brought this baby to the center. This child that lacked love, lost hope, and was abandoned in an empty house was able to revive here. Now she takes the appropriate medical treatment when sick, is growing physically, is holding the 1st rank in class at school, she is sociable in her social life, and she's learning God's word to feed her soul. In general, she is in a very satisfactory level in all aspects of her life. 

Another girl is 18 years old. She joined the center when her parents were suffering with HIV/AIDS and a little time later, they both died. So she started living with her grandmother, along with her two brothers. Eventually her grandmother also died and they become total orphans. With the holistic support she was getting from the center, she was focusing on her future and was learning diligently to overcome sickness and poverty by obtaining the first rank in her class at school and now she is awaiting her results of her 10th grade national exams. She is praised for her good ethics, is completely healthy and has taken various trainings on gender, peer to peer relations, etc. 

All these have been achieved due to God's help and the support of her sponsors. Sponsors will be blessed on earth and receive a crown in heaven. As we are coworkers in this ministry, we will be partakers of these blessings. 

Besides the regular support we give to our children, we have a special kind of support of nutrition which we extend to fifteen vulnerable children and they are in a good condition now. Six children are HIV/AIDS victims, and they take the recommended medicines for which they are provided with supplementary food and live the life span God has assigned for them. 

Every month, birthday gifts, family gifts, and other kinds of gifts come to various children of our center and they are used to buy additional food, for house renovation, and for various other needs. Many have benefited from these. Some have brought a total transformation of living to families. The families have started self-supportive works such as sheep breeding, small scale trade in market places and they are no relieved economically. A burden has fallen from the center also as they coming to use shedding their tears for the misery they were facing. Now many of them come to our center to tell us about their progress and give thanks. 

Letter communication has a great meaning for many of them. There are very eager children that come and ask us why their sponsors haven't written to them. 

Please pray that these children get detached from all problems they have, to become fulfilled citizens and heirs of God's kingdom, along with you. Pray also that God gives us a wider place for our center. 

Finally, I say may our heavenly Father bless you with his everlasting blessings and give you a fulfilled end for your ongoing support of Enatenesh. 

Abera Daba


Saturday, June 11, 2016

Loss of Fongwin (Again)

I've been putting off posting about this because it has broken my heart. I've been processing and praying about it.

Last Monday, so nearly two weeks ago now, I got a call from Compassion. Getting a phone call from Compassion is very rarely a good thing. On a few occasions, they'll call you about one of your children graduating, but other than that, those operators aren't going to call you just to say hi.

So, I answered the phone and found out that I would no longer be sponsoring Fongwin because he has chosen to leave the program. I was told that Fongwin has been skipping project days for a very long time. As attendance is required (unless there are good excuses), Fongwin's project staff members at down with him and his parents and explained to him the attendance policy. He was also told of what the consequences would be if he continued to skip project days. However, even after these meetings, Fongwin would keep skipping project days, even when his parents would send him. Because Compassion wants to support as many children as they can, Fongwin was pulled from the project. The Compassion project can't help a child that doesn't attend, right? I fully support that policy, but that doesn't make it any easier, because I love Fongwin.

Fongwin is 13 years old and is, obviously, going though some rebellious teenage times, which I can completely understand. Being a teenager can suck. It can be so difficult as you're sorting out who you are and who you wish to become. Do you continue to listen to your parents and teachers or do you rebel and try your own thing? As somebody who had some difficult teen years, I can't help but think this is something I may have done, if I was in Fongwin's shoes. I hung out with people who didn't make good decisions in life and I chose to follow along with them. If I was in Fongwin's shoes, would I have quit attending the project? Who knows. But, now that I am an adult, I can see the error of some of the decisions I made as a teenager. I don't regret my decisions, but I do sometimes wonder if things would have been different had I chosen another path. I desperately hope that Fongwin is able to grow up and not regret his decision to leave the Compassion project. I hope that he can continue to attend school without Compassion's help. I pray that he remembers that God loves him and is watching out for him. I pray for his safety because I don't know what is leading him away from the project. There are so many "I don't knows" in this situation and it breaks my heart. A friend recently gave me hope by sharing with me that one of her Compassion children went through something similar and grew into a wonderful young woman. I can only hope the same for Fongwin.

Fongwin was my correspondent child for years because he lost his financial sponsors. I decided to take over his sponsorship because I could not bear with the idea of losing him. Unfortunately, in this current situation, the choice is not up to me. I wish it was.

So, to my sweet boy, Fongwin. I will never forget you. I will keep praying for you. I hope you find what you are looking for in life. I hope that you remember how much you are loved by God. I hope you keep my letters and read them and remember how much I love you. I loved our years together, young man. I hope to reconnect with you, somehow, in the future.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Two Long Letters from Two Lovely Girls

With the new letter writing system that Compassion has, letters can show up at any time of the day, due to various time differences and time zones around the world. Yesterday morning, I woke up two completed letters that had arrived overnight. Whoo hoo! 

I will share Khushi's letter first. I just love that her sister is working in the project now! Compassion changes the life of an entire family through one child. 

Khushi is 12 years old and lives in India. Her letter is dated February 1st, 2016, which is quite a long time ago. I can't wait until letters start arriving even quicker! 


My Dear Friend Kayla, 

Greetings. I hope you are fine. I am fine and I have enjoyed all of your wonderful letters. You are a nice friend to me. Thank you very much for sharing many things. Thank you for the Christmas card. Thank you so much for the wonderful Christmas gift I received I received this year, through your support. I got a warm quilt, track suit, shoes, bag, and notebook. I like all of my gifts. Here, I am still enjoying my school and project program. Some days back, a medical camp was conducted in our project. About 200 people were checked and treated by good doctors. My older sister Rinka recently joined our development program as a part-time teacher. She and we are all happy. She likes to teach us games and math. Winter is going now and we will soon be going into spring. Yes, we celebrated our 69th republic day. I will keep praying for you too. I love to hear from you. Here, we are enjoying sunshine and no rain, except for one day. We have no snowfall, yet. God bless you, dear friend. I love you. 

Your Friend,


Next, a letter from Rujikorn. It was quite a letters-from-Asia kind of day. :) 

In her letter, Rujikorn is answering the various questions I asked my kids about their home and project. She is also answering the questions about why Compassion is important and why it is good to have a sponsor. I have loved hearing these answers from my children, so far. 

As always, she sent me a beautiful drawing, as well. I love how detailed her drawings are and how much they show what her daily surroundings are like. 

Rujikorn is 12 years old and lives in Thailand. Her letter was written on April 8th, 2016. 


Dear Kayla, 

Hello, I am Rujikorn. Thank you for the letter, the stickers, the photo, and the Christmas card you sent me. My family and I are doing well. How are you and your family? My house is made of wood and bamboo. I live with my grandmother, my parents, and my younger sister. There are no beds in my house. We sleep on the mats. There is electricity to use. Most of the people in my community do agriculture. The children in my community are helped and supported to have better lives by the Compassion project. We get to know God more. My younger sister is 9 years old. We like to do housework together. My family and I attended the Christmas celebration and had lunch together. I like to follow the rules. At the project and at school, there are rules for the children to follow. At home, there are some rules too, such as don't go outside after 9 p.m. I was given the good opportunity by the Compassion project to learn more. The children who have sponsors are happy. They are supported. Supporting the children is a good thing and writing to the children is good too. The sponsors and the children will get to know each other. I like to read what you write to me in letters. In my place, it is summer and I am on school vacation. Please pray for my studies, my parents' work, and for the health of people in my family. My family and I always think of you in our prayers. May God lead you and your work! May God bless you with good health and a lot of happiness! 

Love in Christ,


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Letters to My Kids: May 2016

In May, all of my kids got one letter and some of them even got two! Haha. I'll start out with the letter that I sent to all of my kids. For those of you that don't know already, I work as a nanny. I have worked for the same family for nearly three years now. I share information and photos of the children I take care of with my sponsored children, every six months or so. My kids seem to enjoy hearing about them. Now that Compassion allows us to attach even more photos per letter, it was a treat to get to pick out so many fun photos!

I think my sponsored children will find this letter particularly interesting as the little girl that I nanny for, Chloe, broke her wrist a couple of weeks ago and now as a bright purple cast (which she loves, I must say).

As far as the second letter goes, awhile back, I sent a letter of 10 school related questions to my sponsored children. Since then, I've received several new children who I wanted to send the same letter. In the past, I've received wonderful answers to these questions and I can really picture my kids' school lives with their responses. I've also answered the questions myself, so my kids can compare my school life to theirs. 

With this letter, I included three pictures of me age various ages (5, 9, and 13) holding my backpack and heading off to my first day of school. I hope my children will enjoy seeing photos of me when I was a child. I know I love digging through old photos for letters like this. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Letters to My Kids: April 2016

Hello, everyone! I need to catch up, a bit, on my posts about the letters I've sent to my sponsored children. I'll post April's letter today and then share about the letters I sent in May later on this week.

I "stole" this letter from another sponsor. I suppose it's not really stealing. Most of the sponsors I know like to share letter ideas for other sponsors to use and/or get ideas from. As you can see, I do the same thing in these blog posts. The sponsor that wrote this letter shared a poem about friendship and then went on to explain how important friendship is, including some bible verses. I also told my kids about my two best friends, which I've done before, but it's always nice to talk about them.

After the letter, I included two copies of the same coloring page. I included a set of boy friends and a set of girl friends, sent to each gender, respectively. I encouraged each child to share the coloring page with their best friend. As you know, I have many teenage children, so I know they may not want to color these pages. In that case, I hope they would share them with a younger sibling or child at the project.

Here is the letter, for you to use for your own purposes:

Monday, June 6, 2016

Project Director Letter: CO-426

It's time for the first project director of June! This time, we hear more about project CO-426, which is the project that my girl Lina attends.


Dear Kayla, 

We greet you in the name of or Lord Jesus Christ! 

My name is Monica Ortiz. I am the Center Director of the Child Development Center Lluvias de Amor. We are located in the city of Cali, Colombia, where your sponsored child attends. Thank you for sponsoring Lina. 

Actual Community Photo near CO-426

Among the activities we do every day with our children and youth are devotionals, where we share a portion of the word and make a prayer where the children can entrust to God their needs. One of the activities the kids love the most is the birthday celebration, as it is the time where they can have fun, receive gifts, and enjoy special snacks. With the young people of the program, we are teaching them painting techniques in various materials, such as wood and ceramics. We have had good results with this activity and young people express their appreciation for this art. 

The children are also being supported by the partner church and every threed months they do retreats. These retreats have enabled the kids of the center to have a closer relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We have several tools that allow us to improve our service to them. One of them is the My Plan for Tomorrow. This document has helped us guide young people in their dreams for all areas. 

We want to mention that we have seen spiritual growth in children, young people, and families of the center. This is due to the work of discipleship that the center is making with the partner church. This motivates us as we see God's support in our work and they are making a big difference in relation to children and families in relation to children and families in the community. 

We recognize the difficulty to be located in a violent area where there are often clashes between gangs and theft. We have seen God's support since we have witnessed His protection and how the community has begun to see us as an entity to turn to. Several parents of the community seek refuge in the program on both a spiritual and physical level. 

Other events that we want to emphasize in the center are the days of optometry through institutions responsible for the welfare of children and young people. 

As for the communication through the letters, it has been very special. The children of the program are very pleased to receive correspondence from their sponsors. These nice gestures have strengthened the bond between sponsor and child. Sponsorship has been and will be decisive to continue to release children from the poverty. Their contribution means more children have the opportunity to develop their potential. 

I wish you a thousand blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ and we kindly ask you to pray for the eradication of violence that our community is facing. 

Because of sponsorship we do so much for the welfare of children. God reward you in the welfare and prosperity of your business and your family. 

Thank you again for sponsoring Lina. 

Monica Ortiz
