
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

After Holiday Letters Part 1: Ladies

While I love holidays that give people a three day weekend (even though I don't get holidays like that off work), I don't like the fact that there is no mail delivery. But, the day after President's Day, I opened my mailbox to find six letters! Three from my girls and three from my boys. I decided to split the letters up into two, separate posts. Today is Girl's Day!

To begin, a letter from little Carolin, the youngest kiddo in my brood (is that a negative word?). She filled out the My Hopes for the Future template. I think she had some persuasion filling these things out. The answers aren't exactly at a preschool level. :)

Carolin is 3 years old and lives in the Dominican Republic. Her letter is dated November 11th, 2015.


In the future, I hope to learn about: Art
In the future, I hope to do the following activity: Go to College
In the future, I hope to meet: My Favorite Singer
When I grow up, I want to be a: Teacher 

Dear Kayla, 

May the peace and love of the Lord Jesus be in your life today and always. How are you? My family and I are doing very well and happy for the letters that I have received from you. The church celebrates bible school and I wasn't able to see the red moon, but I heard it was very red. See you later. I say goodbye with love. 



Now, a letter from Maria. She is always so great about sharing details about her everyday life. I can really picture what she writes about. 

Maria is 11 years old and lives in Brazil. She wrote her letter on October 20th, 2015. 


Hello Dear Sponsor, 

How are you/ I hope you are doing well. My family and I are well. I really like to receive your letters. I liked to hear that you work with children. I attend Catholic church and we had a party to celebrate Children's Day. It was very nice. We had games and clowns. Brazil's Independence Day is celebrated on September 7th. My country is divided into 26 states, distributed over five areas. I live in the Northeast area, in the city of Fortaleza, in the state of Ceara. I'll send some pictures of my area and the animals we have here. 



Last up, a letter from sweet Celeste. Whenever one of my children tells me what they want to be when they grow up, I ask them "what makes somebody a good ____". Celeste answered this question beautifully. If she does end up growing up and becoming a teacher, she'll make a great one. 

Celeste is 13 years old and lives in Honduras. Her letter is dated December 13th, 2015.


Hello Beloved Sponsor Kayla, 

I hope you are fine, you and your family. I want to tell you that I passed my grade and I am going to go to 7th grade. Thanks to our God, I am going to middle school. Yes, roses are beautiful. I think that a good teacher teaches her class of students well and has patience. An amazing teacher gives a lot of love and understands. I would like to be a good teacher and to teach a good example. I would like to help our country to develop some greenhouses , the same as in our project. It is nice to plant trees and we put names on them. It is really fun to plant them. I am grateful and happy because you always respond to my letters and that makes me better. I wish you a happy and prosperous new year. Hugs and kisses!



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