
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Three More Lost Boys

Due to an error at Compassion, several correspondent sponsors have lost many, many, many of their correspondent children. I was included in that group and have lost three of my boys:

Aaryan, Hassane, and Jose

Yes, I am sad. But, no, I'm not angry. It is not Compassion's fault. This was all caused by a computer error that was registering children as needing correspondent sponsors when their financial sponsor had not given their permission for that. I still trust and respect Compassion as an organization. It would take much more than an error for me to lose my love for Compassion. 

I will miss writing to these boys, but I am grateful for the few months that I did get to write to them. During that time, I know that I was able to encourage them with a few letters. I hope that my letters told them something they needed to hear and that they know they are deeply loved by several people and by God. 

Since I have lost four children this week, I am back on the waiting list for four new correspondent children. Since there are so many people now on the list, I could be waiting for quite a long time, but who knows, I've been surprised with fast assignments in the past.

When I get new kids, you all will be the first to know! 


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of these three, especially shortly after Fongwin! I hope you're assigned new kids quickly!!

  2. Frustrating but that's life sometimes.... hopefully you get new kids soon and you'll get to pour blessing into their lives.

    Thanks for all you do, Kayla!

  3. This happened to me too. I didn't realize it was a bigger problem. With mine, the child is still showing on my acct, but I assume I am not to write to her anymore. Do you know how many children and correspondents were affected?

    1. Sadly, 1600 children were affected by this.

  4. Wow! Did anyone say how (if at all) this will be explained to the children? About why someone started writing so often (assuming they weren't getting letters from sponsor before) and suddenly stopped? That is sad. And a lot affected!

    1. Compassion has never had a system of explaining to kids with correspondent that they have two sponsors. Some of my older kids seem to know, but most of them just know me (their correspondent sponsor) as their only sponsor. Most kids in the projects have no concept of the financial side of Compassion, but just know their sponsor as someone that loves them and supports them.
