
Monday, February 12, 2018

Olympic Watching Letter Purge!

As I sit here watching as many Olympic events as I can in one day (which is a lot), I am going to type up a ton of letters that I've received. I will probably break my most recently received letters into two posts, for today and tomorrow, but each post will be quite long. 

We'll start with a template letter from little Carolin, who is telling me about her Hopes for the Future. 

Carolin is 6 years old, from the Dominican Republic. Her letter is dated January 17th, 2018. 


1. In the future, I hope to learn about: Art 

2. In the future, I hope to do the following activities: Go to university 

3. In the future, I want to be: A doctor 

4. In the future, I hope to visit: A baseball stadium 

5. In the future, I hope to meet: My sponsor 

Dear Kayla,

May God bless you and your family a lot. Carolin asks, "How are you?". She is very grateful for the letter you sent and she also says she was able to see the last eclipse. She says she hopes you had seen it as well in your country. She also says that God created the eclipse. Please pray for the children at the center. With love, she says goodbye. 


Up next, a first letter from Shakilla. In this letter, she is telling me how what things are like at her project. 

Shakilla is 6 years old and lives in Rwanda. Her letter was written on January 22nd, 2018. 


1. I go to my project: 1 day per week 

2. My project is 2 km away from my home

3. I get to my project: On foot 

4. Typical activities I do at my project are: Playing, studying, and eating 

5. My favorite activity to do at my project is: Playing 

6. When I am at my project, I typically eat: Rice, beans, and greens 

Dear Parent, 

First and foremost, your child greets you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Shakilla would like to know how you are doing and how your family is doing. At school she is doing fine and she will be joining primary class one. Previously, she managed to attain good grades. Pray for her to continuing excelling academically. She would like to know how you are doing and please send family photos to her. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly. 

(Written by her mother) 


Now we have a letter from Anju, who does not seem to be a very confident artist, but I think his drawings are great. He's too hard on himself. 

Anju is 13 years old, from Indonesia. His letter is dated December 19th, 2017. 


Shalom Dear Kayla, 

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to receive it. I want to ask, can you draw your family? I am not very good at drawing, but I am trying to draw my family, even though it is not good enough. I have to practice more in drawing. I hope that you like my picture. I will try to send a family photo to you. I have finished the first semester exam. I will get the report soon. I will have a school holiday soon. Please pray for me always. Merry Christmas. 



Up next, a short letter from Agness. To be fair, she may be running out of things to say, as it's only February and this is the 3rd letter I've received from her so far this year. ;) 

Agness is 14 years old and lives in Tanzania. Her letter is dated January 23rd, 2018. 


Dear Kayla, 

I would like to know your state and I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. My family is doing well. In my studies, my favorite subject is English. I am praying for you. Do you pray for me? I wish you all the best. God bless you wherever you go and wherever you come from. Amen. 



I think I'll post two more letters in this blog entry, and will move onto a letter from Enmanuel. I actually just received a photo update of him, so you'll see his new face shot, but I'll share his full photo with you in a few days. 

Enmanuel is 10 years old and lives in the Dominican Republic. His letter is dated January 17th, 2018. 


Hello Dear Sponsor Kayla, 

May God bless you so much! How are you? How was your Christmas? Do you celebrate the wise men holiday like we do in our country? I'm fine, thanks be to God. I had a good Christmas with my family and friends. On wise men day, I had a good time and played so much. I ask you to pray for me and my family. May God bless you! 



We close out this post with a letter from Acram. Just like we started with future dreams, we will end with them as well. 

Acram is 6 years old and from Tanzania. His letter is dated January 25th, 2018. 


1. Someday I would like to visit: Your country 

2. Someday I would like to see: You and your appearance 

3. Someday I would like to help: My family

4. Someday I would like to be like: My father

5. Someday I would like to meet my sponsor because: I love her

6. When I grow up I would like to be: A doctor 

Acram is happy to receive your letter. He says thank you. He is doing well in his studies. Now he is in grade one. His family is doing well. Acram loves Jesus and he accepts Him to be his savior. His favorite Bible story is David & Goliath. 


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