
Friday, February 2, 2018

From the Field Friday: TG-661

It's February! This month, we get to find out if the groundhog sees his shadow or not and if we get to get away from this cold weather or not, because, you know, that's how weather works. ;) Either way, I hope that winter ends soon. I want to be warm!

But alas, it's Friday morning, so it's time to share another letter from the Compassion field. Today, we'll hear from project #661, located in the country of Togo. My boy Djimitri attends this project:


Dear Kayla, 

May the peace of the Lord be with you! I am Fiadeva Koffi Tonougba, pastor of New Creation Missionary Church, where New Creation Child Development Center is located in the maritime region of Togo, and where we minister to Djimitri. 

I am so grateful to you for your support of Djimitri and for the various support you give him. You are precious in your Djimitri's life. 

The community where the church is settled is made up of different tribes and ethnic groups of Togo, such as the Watchi, the Akposso, the Ewe, Muslims, and pagans. Our community is especially facing problems like extreme poverty, lack of clean water, unhealthiness, unemployment, ignorance, and illiteracy. 

Our center develops the children holistically in four areas: spiritual, socio-emotional, cognitive, and physical. We are committed to use love and excellence to build a world where all children's rights will be respected and their living conditions bettered. 

Our center must become a center to welcome, listen to, and protect the children of our community. It is a joy for me to see children receiving gifts and donations, to see a number of children's parents come to worship with us, and to see these children transformed and bloomed at the image of Christ. Thanks to the center, the church has an open door for evangelism in the quarter. 

You can't imagine how glad children are when they receive their sponsor's letters. In fact, the letters the children receive from their sponsor make them confident that they have someone from afar that loves them, thinks of them, helps them financially, prays for them, adores them, and that gives them particular attention. If they don't receive any letter from their sponsor, they feel forgotten and abandoned. For this reason, we ask you to write letters. 

I would like to ask you to remember us in your prayers. May God protect children and grant them His grace. May He protect the center workers and may He work on people's hearts in the community for repentance. May other doors open so that the church can help the street children in the quarter! 

May God bless you for your kind support to Djimitri. May he grant you good health and may your ventures be fulfilled in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen! 

Yours in the Lord,
Fiadeva Koffi Tonougba


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