
Monday, December 4, 2017

Just Your Average Letter Purge Post

I have the day off work today, so I'm trying to catch up on my letter blogging/responding before Christmas. I have been neglecting my responding for the last few weeks and when you write to as many kids as I do, the letters really pile up in just a few weeks.

I'm going to share several letters in this post. Basically, I'll type until I can't focus anymore and then I'll do another post in a couple of days. :)

We'll begin with a letter from my boy Dagim. It sounds like he started the school year off on the right foot. Thank God for Compassion!

Dagim is 9 years old and his letter is dated October 4th, 2017.


Beloved Kayla, 

How are you doing? I am fine with my family. Thanks a lot for all your support and prayer. I started class for the new year. I have been given an exercise book, pen, pencil, and uniform. I am happy and thanks a lot. Please pray that I will be a clever student. Our first school month, September is now over. All the environment here has turned green and flowers are blooming. What is the natural event in your country when the new year begins? Goodbye until the next letter. 



Our next letter comes from a lovely lady in Honduras, my dear Celeste. In her letter, she is talking about having the opportunity to see me again. As much as I would love this, I don't forsee another trip to Honduras before Celeste graduates in 2020. Something would have to drastically change with my finances before then. Though, who am I to say that could never happen? 

Anyway, Celeste is 15 and she wrote this letter on October 27th, 2017. 


Hello Dear Sponsor Kayla, 

I hope you and your beautiful family are doing well. My family and I are doing well, thanks to God. I'm so happy that you liked my pictures. My brother and sister supported me on my birthday. My brother was my gentleman and he is so special to me and with me always. I would be so happy to have the opportunity to see you again. Hopefully that can happen soon. I'm going to give your greetings to my grandmother. Every letter you send me, she reads them. Here in my country, we had an eclipse in August, and it could be seen in the city of Tegucigalpa and it lasted for about an hour. We did have this phenomenon since 90 years ago and it is the same eclipse, when the moon places between the earth and the sun. I could not see it because I live far away from Tegucigalpa. I just saw it on TV. I say goodbye with this Bible verse: Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." I send you many hugs. 



Next, a letter from Jonatan. This is actually the 2nd letter I received from Jonatan in November and then 2nd letter from him I'll post this week. I should have posted it in my last post, but somehow completely overlooked it. It fits in just as well here. 

Jonatan is 10 years old and lives in Colombia. This letter is dated August 19th, 2017. 


Dear Sponsor, 

I greet you in God's name. I hope the Lord guides you at all time. I want to tell you that I'm happy because my family loves me very much, and most important, they adore the Creator. I am also saving money in order to buy a touchscreen phone. I really like to play soccer with my brother and friends. At the project, I like to color and draw and I have so much fun with our dynamic activities. I have very happy moments with my classmates at the CDC. My favorite color is light green. Thank you for your letters. I always look forward to them. God bless you, beautiful woman. Regarding your questions, I like to play soccer and on my tablet. The weather where I live is hot and beautiful. I say goodbye for now, with a bear hug, and this verse for you, Jeremiah 29:11. I love you very much. May God protect you. 



Now, a letter from Cedrick, one of my newest cuties from Rwanda. This letter is written on the All About Me template. The template itself is fill in the blank, but the translation wrote the translation in paragraph form, which I have to say, is kind of a nice way to organize the large amount of information. 

Cedrick is 7 years old and this letter is dated November 13th, 2017. 


Dear Kayla, 

The family of Cedrick is greeting you in the name of Christ. Cedrick's name means Living by God's Grace. He is the 3rd born child in his family. One thing he does well is fetching water. One thing he likes to do is playing with others. When he grows up he wants to be a doctor. He has completed Primary 1. He thanks you for your letter. His family is praying for you, wishing you God's protection. They wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018. 


Next up, a long, beautiful letter from Ayling. She always has such nice things to say and her letters are a joy to read. 

Ayling is 11 years old and lives in Nicaragua. Her letter is dated October 20th, 2017. 


Hello Appreciated Sponsor Kayla, 

Ayling is happy to write and thank you for your patronage and letters. She is very well with her family. She answers your questions. She says the clothes she most likes wearing is t-shirts and pants. Her favorite food is rice with chicken and salad. Her house is small. It's made of cement blocks and has four rooms. She says the project is not big. She receives classes in the churchyard, since the project does not have classrooms. If she had free time, she would travel to many places. She says that what makes her laugh are jokes. The most funny thing that has happened to her is that there was a dirty water hole at her house and she fell into the hole and got all wet. The last time she was at a party was the day of her birthday. They celebrated it at the project and it was very fun. Her best friend is Alejandra. To a younger child she would give advice to obey your mom so that God will be pleased with you. She asks you, what is your favorite sport? How is your health? She asks for your prayers for her family. They are praying for you so that God will guide you in everything. She says goodbye with kisses and hugs, wishing you health. 

Ayling (with the help of her tutor Karla) 


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