
Saturday, December 30, 2017

End of 2017 Letters: Part 4 I said, like I knew would happen, after I decided on a three part series of letters to end out the year, several more letters came in.

Not a terrible problem to have. :)

So, instead of waiting to post them, I'm adding a 4th part of my series. Whoo hoo!

If you can believe it, I've received 7 letters since my last post. My kids are writing up a storm. :)

I'm going to overload this post will every, single one of those letters. Some of these letters arrived in just 1-2 weeks!

Let's start with a letter from little Djimitri, who is writing to me about some of his favorite things.

Djimitri is 6 years old and lives in Togo. He wrote this letter on December 18th, 2017 and it arrived in less than a week!


1. My favorite food is: Rice soup 
2. My favorite sport is: Soccer
3. My favorite activity is: Dancing
4. My favorite color is: Yellow
5. My favorite friend is: Raoul
6. My favorite animal is: Elephant
7. My favorite Bible her is: Samson 

Thank you for being my sponsor. Please pray for my studies, my project, and my family. 


This next letter is from Sunrei, which is quite a surprise, since I have recently heard from her. She sure is a little chatterbox!

Sunrei is 10 years old and lives in Peru. Her letter is dated December 12th, 2017.


Dear Sponsor Kayla, 

I greet you in the name of Christ. I thank you for the cute letter you sent me. We celebrate Christmas on December 25th. I am very excited to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We will eat turkey, drink hot chocolate, exchange gifts, and pray. We will have a great time. I want to tell you that I'm on my school break. I'm very happy. I go to the beach with my tutor and companions. I also go to the beach with my family. The arcade games there are very beautiful. How many pets do you have? I always read Psalm 91 because there the Lord tells me he takes care of me and that He's my caregiver. What's your favorite verse? My favorite color is purple. What's your favorite color? On what day is Christmas celebrated in you country? I ask you to pray for my family so that God will touch their hearts and for the peace of God to be in my home. May you have a merry Christmas and unity in your family. I love you so much. I say goodbye. 



Up next is a very first letter from Muzuro! He has quite a large family! I always appreciate when first letters list family members. Sometimes it can be like pulling teeth to get that information later on. I also love that in his large family, Muzuro is the baby. :) 

Muzuro is 14 years old and lives in Uganda. His letter is dated December 8th, 2017. 


Dear Kayla, 

Greetings to you in Jesus name. I would like to thank God for the protection that he has given unto us. May his name be praised! I want to tell about some of my favorite things. My favorite color is red, as you have also written. My favorite foods are beans and posho. As you have told me to mention my family members names. Firstly, we are nine members. My father's name is Isaac and my mother's name is Nema. Now I will write first born up to last born. Our first born is Joyce, then Samuel, Moses, Gloria, Beatrice, Godwill, and lastly, me, Muzuro Michael. I am the last born in the family. 

I want to thank God for the letter you sent me. You must tell Anju that I will pray for him. And he must not forget prayers. Prayer is the only way to heaven and he must love one another. He must return to Christ so that Christ can forgive him. 

Now let me introduce myself to my friend Anju. My name is Muzuro Michael. My country is Uganda. I am 14. My favorite subject is science. I like dancing, riding a bike, and soccer. 


How about a letter from Mulwa now? This cutie just steals my heart. His letters and his drawings are too sweet. 

Mulwa is 10 years old and lives in Kenya. He wrote this letter, with help from his tutor, on November 29th, 2017. 


Mulwa greets salutes you in Jesus' name. He wishes you are fine with your family members. He is writing this letter to inform you that in his country it is the rainy season. His parents are busy cultivating and planting crops. He is telling you that we have closed our schools for the December holiday. He was in position nine and had 327 points. He is also asking you to continue praying for his country and family members. He is happy for the gifts he received last time. He says thanks. He tells you that he is busy and happy waiting for Christmas day, when our Savior was born. He is telling you that day is really good because our Christ is born. He is continuing praying for you, for your support and sponsorship. May the Lord bless you. Happy Christmas and New Year. Bye bye. 


Now a letter from Yohannis who is introducing me to some facts about his community. These things are so much fun to learn about! 

Yohannis is 8 years old and from Ethiopia. His letter is dated November 10th, 2017. 


1. My community/village is called: Glema Aba Gedasefer 
2. My community is located in the: Oromiya Region
3. The population of my village is: 300
4. A common job is my community is: Farming 
5. A common type of transportation in my community is: Cart & Motorcycle
6. People in my community speak: Oromifa & Amharic 
7. In my community, the weather is typically: Sunny 

I want to be an outstanding student. Please end me pictures and letters. Thank you for being my sponsor. 


Two letters to go! 

This next one is from Kwizera Yves. He's never been a big chatterbox, but after all these years, he seems to be opening up about details more and more. I definitely appreciate that. 

Kwizera Yves is 12 years old and from Rwanda. This letter is dated December 2nd, 2017. 


To My Parent Whom I Love A Lot, 

I greet you first in the name of Jesus Christ. We have rain in Rwanda. We had a bicycle competition in Rwanda and it's called The Tour du Rwanda. We are remaining with a few days before celebrating Christmas on the 25th. I was pleased by your good photos. I thank you for your good letter. It pleased me so much. I feel happy with my family. 

Kwizera Yves


And we end this post (and this series, for real this time) with a letter from Rodrigo. It'd be over four months since I last heard from him, which is totally unusual for Compassion letters these days. He must have missed a letter writing day at his project. His letter is on the How I Have Fun template. 

Rodrigo is 7 years old, from Bolivia. His letter was written on November 18th, 2017. 


1. I like to play with: Little cars
2. My favorite activity is: Jump rope 
3. I usually play with: My siblings 
4. At the park, I like to play: Up and down on the seesaw

Dear Sponsor, 

I greet you with the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am the tutor. My name is Paul. Rodrigo wants to tell you that his dad gave him a bicycle recently. Pray for his whole family. 


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