
Friday, September 21, 2018

Five Letter Friday: Volume 14 I didn't get any other posts between Tuesday and today like I said I would. But you will definitely see at least one this weekend, so that helps, right?

Anyway, it's Friday. Here are the five letters for today. It's a five form letter kind of day!

The first is a letter titled My Dental Checkup. This letter comes to us from a sweet little guy named Tumbu.

Tumbu is 7 years old, lives in Kenya, and his letter is dated August 13th, 2018.


1. My last dental checkup was in: April 

2. The dental checkup was done at: The Project 

3. I went for my checkup: On Foot

4. I went to my dental checkup with: My mother 

5. About my dental checkup, I felt: Anxious  

6. One thing that was done at my dental checkup is: Checked the condition of my teeth

7. The doctor/nurse said: My teeth are in good condition 

8. At my dental checkup, I learned: That we need to brush our teeth after eating 

Hello Kayla, 

Tumbu greets you and he is also exciting to write to you again. He thanks you for such an amazing story and he says he has learned to be contented with what he has and to not be greedy and want more. Tumbu says he is enjoying his school holiday spending time in the project. He says his teachers are teaching him to read story books and he hopes that one day he will be able to do it by himself. He sends lots of love to you, your family, and your friends. He hopes you are all fine. 


Our next form letter is from Mariza. This letter is titled The Weather. 

Mariza is 7 years old, from Nicaragua, and wrote her letter on August 9th, 2018. 


1. Nicaragua only has two seasons, rainy and dry. Right now we are in: Dry Season 

2. When the weather is sunny, I like to: Go to the beach 

3. When the weather is rainy, I like to: Watch the rain fall down as it is pleasant

4. The problems during rainy weather are: Flooding, road damage, and dengue 

5. My favorite weather is: Rainy 

Hello Dear Sponsor Kayla, 

Mariza sends you lots of hugs and kisses. She is very thankful for all the letters you send her and says she likes Red Riding Hood. What story do you like? How is your health? Mariza started school and she goes to school each day at 7:00 a.m. She hopes you will pray for her and her family to be fine. 


Our next fun form letter is from Marilyn. She wrote this letter on the My Favorites template. 

Marilyn is 8 years old and is from El Salvador. Her letter is dated August 27th, 2018. 


1. My favorite food is: Soups 

2. My favorite sport is: Baseball 

3. My favorite Old Testment Bible verses are: Jeremiah 33:3, Samuel 3:10, Psalm 133:1. 

4. My favorite New Testament Bible verses are: Romans 12:2 & Philippians 4:13. 

5. My favorite animals are: Cow & Cat 

Marilyn greets you, Kayla, in the name of  our Lord Jesus Christ. She hopes are fine and are enjoying many blessings from our creator. She says that she puts her teddy bears alongside of her when she sleeps. She thanks you for thinking of her and for writing to her. She thanks you for the Bible story. She is praying for you. She asks you to pray for her and her family. Until soon. Blessings!


Onto the next template letter! Whoo hoo! 

This letter is from Dedilhomme and it is titled My House. 

Dedilhomme is 6 years old and is from Haiti. He wrote this letter on August 30th, 2018. 


1. Does your whole family live together in the house?: Yes 

2. At home, my responsibility is: Carrying Water 

3. My house is made of: Concrete 

4. My house has a roof of: Metal Sheets 

5. On my house I sleep on: A mat 

Dedilhomme thanks God for this nice occasion he has to write to you! He asks how are your activities and your family? He is doing well with Jesus. He had a happy summer time. Summer holiday ends now. He asks for you to pray for him to have a good school year. May God bless you! 


And life has come full circle within this post. We will be ending this post with the same letter template that it began with. 

This time, we will hear about Alice's dental checkup. 

Alice is from Kenya and is 7 years old. She wrote this letter on August 25th, 2018. 


1. My last dental checkup was in: Last Wednesday  

2. The dental checkup was done at: The Project 

3. I went for my checkup: On Foot

4. I went to my dental checkup with: My mother 

5. About my dental checkup, I felt: Very excited   

6. One thing that was done at my dental checkup is: The nurse checked my teeth 

7. The doctor/nurse said: My teeth are very good 

8. At my dental checkup, I learned: I should always brush my teeth to keep them clean 

Alice says hello to you. She is very grateful and happy for you and your support. She also says that she is doing well at school and in her Compassion project. She is very happy for the letter you sent to her and is really hoping to receive more. Finally, she says may God bless you. 


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