
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Touching Thursday: My Kids' Projects Edition

Today is a very special Touching Thursday. I will be sharing kids that are near and dear to my heart. Each of the children that I share with you today is a child who lives in the same community and attends the same project center as one of my sponsored children. These precious children are probably friends of the children that I sponsor in these areas.

I can imagine these children talking to their sponsored friends about why they do not have a sponsor, asking if they are good enough for a sponsor, why do they have to wait.

If you are in the position to support and love one of these children, please take some time to pray over these children and consider sponsoring them today.

This little cutie is Kirian. She is from Honduras, project 348, the same project as my dear Celeste. This project is wonderful!
Kirian is 5 years old and her birthday is May 18th. She lives with her father, mother, and 1 sibling. Her father is employed as a laborer and her mother maintains the home At home, Kirian is responsbile for running errands.
For fun, Kirian enjoys playing house, art and playing with dolls. She attends church activities and Bible class regularly and is in kindergarten where her performance is above average. Smart girl!
You can sponsor Kirian by visiting her page here.

This beautiful girl is Rosa. She is from Indonesia, project 115, the same project as my sweet Sagitaria.
Rosa is 11 years old and her birthday is September 23rd. She lives with her father, mother, and 3 siblings. Her parents are both employed as farmers, but only earn about $80 a month for their family. Rosa helps her family by carrying water, caring for children, and cleaning.
As part of Compassion's ministry, Rosa participates in church activities. She is also in primary school where her performance is above average. Another smart girl! Playing house, art and walking are her favorite activities
To sponsor Rosa, visit her page here.
Lastly, I want to share this handsome guy with you. This is Luis. He is from Bolivia, project 370, the same project as my boy, Jhon.
Luis is 15 years old and his birthday is May 11th. He lives with his father, mother, and 2 siblings. His father is sometimes employed and his mother maintains the home. Luis helps by making beds, running errands, and cleaning.
As part of Compassion's ministry, Luis participates in Bible class. He is also in middle school where his performance is average. Soccer, volleyball and singing are his favorite activities.

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