
Friday, April 6, 2018

From the Field Friday: UG-153

Let's get our first pastor letter of April going here with a letter from Uganda. This is the project that my girl Sandra attends.


Dear Kayla, 

I am Pastor Isaac Lubogo. I minister to Sandra at the First Baptist Church Iganga and the Kasokoso Child Development Center. I thank you so much for the continued love and care you give to Sandra. You are a blessing in many ways. 

The community in which the Center is situated faces the challenges of poverty, including unemployment, lack of housing, food and supplies, and lack of education and opportunity. People cannot meet their basic daily needs and there is much dysfunction and delinquency. Families keep migrating to different areas, looking for hope, but are not finding it. The children of the community, therefore, are the most vulnerable. 

Our vision at the church and the Center is to have a holistic ministry to transform the lives of the children and to release them from poverty in Jesus' name. Through the ministry to the children, there has been great transformation in the lives of the nearly 250 children who are registered. They are very different from the others in the community. These children interact freely and positively without harming or hurting each other, compared to other children in the community who are aggressive in everything the do, including play. Our children can pray, worship in music, read the Bible, and also carry out evangelism. Our children have grown to the level of leading programs during their devotion. 

Because of the support they receive, these children look very healthy because they have been attended to medically through health screenings, dental screenings, and treatment. Some of these children were not attending school, but as I write to you, all the registered children are attending school when their counterparts are dropping out of school every day. This is all due to the holistic development curriculum that develops the children in the socio-emotional, spiritual, cognitive, and physical aspects of their lives. 

Through the letters that the children receive from their sponsors, they are greatly motivated and encouraged in their lives. They feel loved and remembered and important. Many of them to not feel this elsewhere in their lives. Those that don't get letters are so sad and discouraged. We kindly request all sponsors write to their children, including you to Sandra. These letters serve as life changing tools not only for the children, but the entire family. 

May the Lord bless you abundantly, exceedingly beyond what you imagine for your generosity towards Sandra. Thank you, indeed! 

In Him,
Pastor Isaac Lubogo 


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