
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Letters with Photos!

Last week, I hit the sponsorship jackpot! It's (usually) a rare occasion to get extra, special photos attached to a letter and for some wonderful reason, I got three letters with extra photos attached! Two of the kiddos sent family photos "just because" and the third letter had a gift photo attached due to a financial sponsor sending a financial gift. As you can imagine, I am so happy for these photos!

Let's start with a letter from Nicol. She wrote an extra long letter, trailing onto a second page and then sent me three photos; a family photo, a photo of herself, and a photo of her and her brother wearing their Halloween costumes. 

Her letter started on the Festivals and Holidays template. 

Nicol is 5 years old and lives in Colombia. Her letter is dated November 28th, 2017. 


1. Our national festivals/holidays are: Harvest Festival & Joropo Festival (music celebration)

2. My favorite national holiday is: Independence Day 

3. My family celebrates my favorite holiday by: It is a special day and we raise the flag. 

4. My favorite foods to eat during our festivals/holidays are: Rice with shredded beef 

5. At the project, we celebrate Christmas by: By eating flan & bunuelos (a white dough with cheese that is fried). 

6. My family celebrates the New Year by: With the whole family and friends. We give gifts. 

I greet you in the name of Jesus, dear Kayla. Nicol is very happy to write to you again, even though she cannot do it herself. She wants to tell you many things. To start, she is very happy. Next year, she is going to start school in January. She sends you many hugs and kisses and sends you the verse John 3:16. She also thanks you for looking out for her. In her community there are integrations to collect money to improve the neighborhood and help the poor people. It is very beautiful because they are a very close community. She tells you that is not sick, she is healthy. She wants to know; How are the children you are caring for? How are you? She sends you some photos. 


Now, onto the amazing letter from my sweet girl Brisa. She writes her letter on the My Holiday/School Break template and also included some wonderful photos! She sent a photo of herself with her big sister and then a full family photo, including her new baby brother, who was just 10 days old when the photo was taken! 

Brisa is 7 years old and from Nicaragua. Her letter is dated November 24th, 2017. 


1. My school breaks are in the months of: April (Holy Week) and December (Christmas). 

2. During my break, I usually go: Visit my family or I stay home 

3. My favorite food to eat during my school break is: Stuffed chicken 

4. What I like to do the most during my school break is: Play with my friends 

5. The person I like to be with during my school break is: My parents and cousins 

Good Afternoon Dear Sponsor Kayla,

Hello! Every day I am praying for, so that our Lord keeps you safe. I also want to tell you that I now have a Christmas/New Year school break and I passed my school year with excellent grade. I am very happy because Christmas is coming up soon and at the project, they will give us a nice gift. I am also very happy because I am writing this letter to you and I am sending you pictures of me with my family. My brother is just 10 days old. My mom helped me to write this letter. 

With Lots of Love,


And we'll round up this post with a letter from Marilyn. Her financial sponsor sent her a large gift and I got the blessing of seeing the photo of what was purchased! 

She also wrote me a letter about what she is learning at the project. It's a lovely template with lots of space for writing. 

Marilyn is 7 years old and lives in El Salvador. Her letter is dated December 12th, 2017. 


1. In my project I am learning about: 

     Socio-Emotional: Show love and respect to family
     Spiritual: God created the animals of the Earth. Jacob's Ladder. 
     Cognitive: Water sources & Contamination and the food groups. 
     Physical: Edible plants and healthy foods 

2. The attitudes you have learned about being polite and kind: I appreciate when someone gives me something. I help pick up things that fall. 

3. What I like to learn most in the project: Praying and learning Bible stories. 

4. Three things you have learned about taking care of your body: I have to take a bath every day. I have to clean my ears. I have to brush my teeth. 

5. Write what you have been learning in the project about: 

     Jesus: He is the son of God. 
     Church: The church is the people that serve and worship God. 
     Family: I must be obedient to my parents. 

Dear Kayla, 

Marilyn greets you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. She hopes that you are well and being blessed by God. She wants to tell you that she has three stuffed animals: one is a white bear, the other one is a duck, and the last one is a red heart. The duck's name is Campire. The heart's name is Pukita. The bear's name is Bear. Also, she thanks you for the gift you sent her. With it, she bought sugar, rice, oil, and chicken soup. She asks your prayers for protection for her and her family. Blessings. 

Until Soon,


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