
Monday, May 9, 2016

Project Director Letter: RW-339

I think this may be one of my favorite project letters. Ever! It sounds like  wonderful project. They do so many fun and beneficial things for the children. Plus, every child at the project has a sponsor! How great is that?!  Also, how beautiful is the project building?!

This is the project that my boy Kwizera Yves attends.


Dear Kayla, 

I am called Manasseh Buhire. I am the Project Director of the Child Development Center attend by your sponsored child at the Matyazo Pentecostal Church in Huye District, in the Southern province of Rwanda. Thank you for sponsoring Kwizera Yves. 

Actual Photo of RW-339

We have 247 children in our center and all of them have sponsors. I have seen the children come regularly with great pleasure and enthusiasm to attend services and to follow different activities prepared for them, especially on Saturdays. They learn how to obey and to serve God. They are taught about health, sanitation, hygiene issues, and good behavior in the community and family. We have classes every Saturday to supplement what they learn in school. 

All of them have medical insurance. They are supported in terms of funds for school and scholastic materials like books, pens, and other needs. The families are cared for as well. Surely, they live a better life than before. We appreciate each of our sponsors. 

It is amazing how these children can be creative when their hope in life and living in general is restored. They have created their own worship choir and have formed a traditional and culture dance troupe featuring Rwandan traditional dance. 

Our vision and thoughts as a church are to continue serving the committee in general, giving advice to all people; especially in the area where the church is located. Our focus is for the well-being of our children, encouraging them to serve the Lord in all their activities. We have encouraged the children and families in the community to attend church services, Bible study, and other activities. 

The sponsor-child relationship, established through letters, prayers, and gifts, is very important. The sponsor and child share news through letters. They are connected and draw closer through letters. They get to know each other and learn to keep each other in prayer. The children who have received letters, gifts, photos, and other things from their sponsors remain fully engaged and encouraged, knowing that someone out there cares and prays for them. 

We have an 11 year old girl who joined us about 4 years ago. She was very shy and fearful at registration. When she was visited by her sponsor, she would always be encouraged to at least smile, but instead she would cry. Today, she is one of the most vibrant children at the center, as witnessed even by her sponsor who regularly visits her. This change in her came because of the love she receives from her sponsor through letters and visits. She is very promising in the way she is now growing and we believe she has a bright future. 

Another girl joined at a time when she only lived with her mother. Many family problems hindered her growth and development. The years she has spent in the center have changed her into a very intelligent girl. She successfully completed high school with high grades that scored her a national bursary to the University where she is now pursuing her bachelor's degree in finance. 

We are thankful for our sponsors' kindness and love to our children for all the period they have been sponsored physically and spiritually. We pray God grants you peace and joy that is above human understanding. Thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ who has connected us to Compassion International. We will continue to encourage sponsored children to obey God through preaching them the word of God. 

Remember us in prayer, that we shall continue to do our work diligently and in accordance to God's standards. 

Thanks, again, for sponsoring Kwizera. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Manassah Buhire



  1. What a great project letter!

  2. Wow!!!! That is an incredible project!! All the kids are sponsored and have medical insurance?! That's great! And Iove that they started a traditional dance troupe. The church building is so cool too!!

    1. I love my Kwizera at this project. He is one of my "pick up no matter what" kids. Reading this letter made me even more sure of that choice. It sounds like an absolutely wonderful place for the kids.

    2. I love my Kwizera at this project. He is one of my "pick up no matter what" kids. Reading this letter made me even more sure of that choice. It sounds like an absolutely wonderful place for the kids.

  3. That was an amazing read, thank you!
