
Friday, June 24, 2011

Progress Report #2

I literally didn't receive any letters from him for a whole year. There was a glitch in the mail system in his community and he didn't get any letters from me, so he didn't have anything to write back to. It was a confusing and upsetting time for me. I did a lot of doubting. I started to convince myself that Abu didn't actually exist and I was donating my money to a fake oraganization. I was in bad spirits.

July 2009

My name is: Abu-Bakarr Kanu

My health is:  Satisfactory

My weight is: 20 kg (44 pounds)

My height is: 113 cm (3' 8")

This year I am in class: 1A

My academic results were: Good

Child's Dream/Ambition: I will like to be a teacher

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