
Friday, May 18, 2018

From the Field Friday: DR-437

I know that some people aren't huge fans of these letters from pastors or project workers because the information from letter to letter is often repeated. For me, I think that shows how consistent Compassion is across the world, with their core set of standards.

With that being said, I love the individualized details in each letter. It really helps me to picture what each of my children sees, does, experiences on a daily basis. I think these letters are a huge asset to sponsors. I hope Compassion continues to send them each year.

Today's letters is from the Dominican Republic, project #437, which is where my young lady Marinelis attends.


Dear Kayla, 

I am Antonio Gomez, pastor of the evangelical church, Templo Biblico Bellas Colinas, where we minister to Marinelis in the Child Development Center "Beautiful Hills." 

I want to thank you for the sponsorship and help you have given to Marinelis. 

This community is comprised of people who have moved from other areas in search of inexpensive living, but also includes facilities for professional technical studies and technical vocational centers, where young people can prepare for their future. Some of the greatest challenges that we have here are the proliferation of centers for the sale of alcoholic drinks, youth pregnancy, and the lack of opportunities for personal growth and development. 

It has been almost seven years since our center started, in partnership with Compassion International, with our mission to "Form lives for God for a better world." One of the greatest impacts that we have noted among our young people at the center, compared to youngsters who have not had the opportunity to be blessed with this great advantage is the significant improvement not only in school grades, but also in their physical and spiritual health. Last year, about 25 children professed their faith, and more than half remain firm in the Lord. 

In addition, our center has a water purification plant, which enables us to satisfy a great need in the community by providing drinking water at a low cost. Next month, we will be starting a Bible school for adults during which we hope to have a great impact on the 140 mothers and fathers of the children at our center. Apart from this, on the last Sunday of each month, we have special evangelizing meetings and talks for the parents. We are expecting an attendance of about 160 parents. 

We believe fervently in the relationship that is established through the exchange of letters between you and your sponsored child, which creates a strong bond and which has a very positive impact on the socio-emotional development of the child. These letters make the child feel very special. It is incredible to see the joy on the faces of the children, when the teacher gives them letters from their sponsors. At the same time, however, there can be feelings of sadness among the children who do not receive letters from their sponsors, causing them to think that their sponsors don't love them. 

We are currently working and praying that we will be able to complete the construction of a school and technical vocational center in a space that the Lord God has provided us, thereby enabling us to put our grain of sand in the preparation and formation of our young people. We earnestly beseech you, in the name of the Lord Jesus that you pray fervently with us for the speedy completion of this project, for the benefit of our children and parents, and for the reduction of the evils in our community. 

Thank you for your support of Marinelis. 

May God richly bless you. 

In Christ,
Pastor Antonio Gomez


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