
Saturday, August 26, 2017

And Now, Words from my CO-384 Boys

Unfortunately, that is the last time that you will see that phrase uttered on my blog. I no longer have two CO-384 boys. Don't worry, I didn't lose one of them, but my oldest boy, who had been attending project CO-384, has moved to another community and is now attending project CO-372.

I am keep these two letters labeled as they are because at the time the letters were written, both boys were still attending CO-384. Through my letters, I had encouraged both of these boys to be friends and watch out for each other. I have no idea if they actually did that, but if they did, I wonder if they are missing each other after this move.

Both boys are just writing general letters, sometimes answering my questions and sometimes writing whatever they want. Sometimes my CO kids are given themes to write about and this seems to be more of a free write. Both of these boys are great letter writers, so I appreciate the freedom they were given.

To start, Jonatan's letter. He is 9 years old and wrote his letter on June 23rd, 2017.


Hello Godmother, 

I greet you with a lot of love. I want you to know how happy I am at the project. I am participating in soccer training for a championship that we will have in October. I am on vacation from school. I have accompanied by dad to work. He sells empanadas and oatmeal drinks in the plaza. In my free time I play with marbles, play soccer, and play on my tablet. When I am bored, I lie down to sleep. I have the most fun with jumping rope. Receive many greetings from my parents and siblings. I send you kisses and hugs. Precious sponsor, I am happy to hear that you are having a good time with your friends. Thank you for the bible verse that you dedicate to me. May God bless you. The verse for you is Joshua 1:7. 


And now the kiddo I will call my little big guy until he goes through some kind of growth spurt. ;) 

Sweet Daniel seems to have been about the same size for as long as I've been writing to him. I think it's pretty adorable. 

Daniel is 12 years old and also wrote his letter on June 23rd, 2017. 


Dear Kayla, 

Appreciated sponsor, I greet you in the love of the Lord and always praying to Him for you. I tell you that I am doing well in school and that I work hard every day to achieve success and make my parents happy and also for you to feel proud of me. 

I would like you to know that I play soccer with my classmates and I also play soccer with the children of the church. They are very respectful. I love the Lord. I thank Him for the life and the blessings he gives me every day. 

I like to spend time with my family and make them laugh at my jokes. At the project, I enjoy drawing and I also like to socialize with all the children and share with them the works that are done in class. 

I like ice cream and fruit salad a lot. When I go to bed, I start singing praise songs with my dad and I fall asleep in the heat of the Earth. I send you a hug and a giant kiss. 

Thank you, sponsor, for your letters. I always wait for your news, longing to hear from you. Thank you for introducing me to another friend. I will pray for Dagim and for you, that the Lord will always protect you both. I tell Dagim to remain a good child and continue to get good grades in school. Your news makes me very happy. 

I appreciate you so much and I hope that God keeps blessing you, along with your family. I give you this promise, from Psalm 91:7. 



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