
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Three Babies Make 50

Since I first started getting Compassion correspondents in 2011, I always said that I wanted my total amount of kids, sponsored and correspondent, to be 50. Over time, I was assigned kiddos and today I reached my goal.

50 kids. 34 boys, 16 girls.

22 countries.

Crazy amount of love.

I emailed Compassion with a special request. As you may have noticed, my family is made up of mostly older kids. I decided to make my last three kiddos actual babies of the family. I asked for kids under the age of 8.

Today, I found all three of the kids on my account. Two little guys and a little girl.

7 year old Aaryan from India

7 year old Enmanuel from Dominican Republic

3 year old Carolin from Dominican Republic

I can say, with absolute confidence, that my family is complete. I have my 50 kids. I feel so honored and blessed that God is trusting me to be in the lives of these kids. I have to opportunity to speak hope into their lives. Plus, I get the extra blessing of being able to hear back from them and communicate with them. Compassion's correspondent program is such a blessing. 

Man, I love these kids. 


  1. congratulations! I have no idea how you keep up with all the letter writing...

  2. It's easy when you're single, have no children, and no real social life, haha. But seriously, I work and then I come home and write letters.

  3. I hate to admit it, but lately I regret having so many kids to write to - I feel like I can't keep up and don't know much about any of my kids. I just had one leave the program and don't know if I'll replace her with another child. I probably shouldn't have taken on 8 more correspondence kids earlier this year. Just feeling overwhelmed... Thankful for you and your commitment to these kids!

    1. I can definitely understand feeling overwhelmed. At times, when there are tons of activities going on at church, I sometimes get letters piling up that I need to respond to and I feel guilty when I take so much time to answer them. But, I just have to remember how important letter writing is.

      I think if you're extremely overwhelmed, there is no shame in having Compassion reassign some of your kids to other correspondents.
