
Friday, May 11, 2018

From the Field Friday: IO-595

It's. Time. To. Read. Another. Pastor. Letter.


This letter is from IO-595, which is the project my sweet boy Kelvin attends.


Dear Kayla, 

My name is Augustien Alexander, the pastor of the Good News Anglican Church who is in charge of the Kabar Baik Child Development that ministers to your sponsored child, and which is located in the city of Medan, the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia. I would like to thank you for all your help for Kelvin at the Center. 

The people in the community around the church come from different ethnic groups: Batak, Karo, Nias, Javanese, Aceh, and Indian. The people are of low-middle economic level. They have low income and are striving for their daily lives. The challenge that we are facing in ministering to the children is the parents' lack of knowledge which made it difficult to achieve the goals of our ministries. The time that the children spend at the center is so little compared to the time they spend at home. 

We try to give the best in our ministry for them all and we pray that the Lord can help us succeed in what we do. The social impacts of the center can be seen in the lives of the teenagers that we are ministering to. They have developed to be teenagers who behave well, understand moral norms, stay away from narcotics and promiscuity, which have been endemic everywhere. The spiritual impacts of the center are made through the teaching of God's word that we do intensively. We realize that by teaching the word of God to the children, they will be closer to Lord Jesus. It will make the children aware of the Lord's presence in their lives, which can help them stay away from sins. We will also improve our ministries to the teenagers to make them closer to Christ, so that they will know God better and be children of the Lord, as we hope them to be. 

Ninety-five families of the children at the center attend our church services. Some of them are very active and supportive of our ministries. We pray for the families who are not very enthusiastic and not active, so that the Lord will change their hearts. The children who receive letters and gifts from their sponsors are more enthusiastic about their studies and are regular in their attendance. The letters are the most important for them. Hearing from their sponsors reminds the children that they are loved and have value. This isn't a message they receive at home in many cases. Even a small news from you, such as your health or job or weather update makes Kelvin know you care. The value is beyond knowing for us adults, who do not have the same perspective as the little children. I hope you will remember how important your words are and that you will write often. 

The children always pray for the sponsors, that the Lord gives you and your family health. They also pray for your work, that you will have success in what you do, and that the Lord Jesus Christ protects you. 

Please support us in prayers, too. We hope to be able to enlarge our church building to accommodate our ministry activities. Also, please pray for the parents of the children to have the same vision and mission with us. Please pray for Compassion and the sponsors in their efforts to bless underprivileged children at the center. Pray also for the mentors and tutors at the center, that they will be more faithful in serving at the center; for me as the person in charge and the commission members, that we can supervise the center well and give meaningful feedback for the development of the center. 

Once again, as the person in charge of the center. I thank you for blessing Kelvin. Lord Jesus will return all your kindness and bless you abundantly. 

Warm Regards, 
Pastor A. Alexander


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