
Saturday, May 12, 2018

Assorted Letters from Precious Girls

I think I have been blessed with the opportunity to write to some of the best girls in the world. I don't take that privilege lightly. I love them each so much. 

This first letter is from Jhoyra. She is one of several of my kids who have mentioned the children's stories I've been sharing in my letters. I am so happy these stories are going over so well! She even shared her own story (one that is probably very familiar with all of us.) 

Jhoyra is 11 years old and lives in Peru. Her letter is dated April 4th 2018. 


Dear Sponsor, 

I thank you for the letter you sent to me. I also want to thank you for the pictures and story you sent of Little Red Riding Hood. There is a story here that is called The Three Little Pigs. Once upon a time there were three little pigs that lived in the woods. Later, they decided to make their own houses. One of wood, another of straw, and a third of brick. One day a wolf came and blew them all down, but the house made of brick was safe. I ask you to pray for my family. I say goodbye with a kiss. 



This next letter is from sweet Zenebu. She is writing to me about some of the things she likes best. She really seems to have put thought into her answers. 

Zenebu is 6 years old, lives in Ethiopia, and she wrote this letter on December 26th, 2017 (a long time ago!)


1. What I like best to do with my friends is: Play with toys 

2. The game I like best is: Playing ball 

3. What I like to do best at home is: Playing with my mother 

4. What I like best about the project is: Playing on the slide

5. The subject I like best at school is: Math 

6. The teacher I like best at school is: Mastawot, because she cares for me 

7. The place I like best to visit is: Schools other than mine

My prayer request is for my education. I have received the letter you wrote to me. Thank you for writing to me. God bless you. We celebrated Christmas. 


I also received the very same letter from another sweet girl in Ethiopia. This time, from Tamire. I always find it fun to "compare" the same letters from kids in the same country. You can really seen distinct personalities come out, I think. 

Tamire is 7 years old. Her letter is dated January 16th, 2018. 


1. What I like best to do with my friends is: Playing ball

2. The game I like best is: Children's group games

3. What I like to do best at home is: Doing things (hahaha)

4. What I like best about the project is: Praying, singing, and playing

5. The subject I like best at school is: Counting & Letters 

6. The teacher I like best at school is: Tshay because she teaches me

7. The place I like best to visit is: Bus station 

Pray for my health, family, and education. I like your pictures. Thank you for remembering me. Thank you for supporting me. 


Onto a letter from Mariela. She wrote me a nice, detailed letter, answering many of my questions. She really is a treasure to get to know. 

Mariela is 13 years old and lives in El Salvador. She wrote this letter on April 16th, 2018. 


Hello Dear Sponsor Kayla, 

Greetings with my best wishes, hoping you are well, healthy, and blessed. How have you been? I always pray for you so that God keeps you safe and blesses you. This time I want to tell you about my home. My house is made of concrete. I sleep in a bed. We get light from light bulbs and drinking water from a well. We cook on a gas stove. How is your house? Thank you so much for the letter you sent me. I really liked the story about the three goats. I really enjoy reading all your letters. May the Lord bless you fully. Please pray for me and my family. Goodbye with a big hug and much love. 


This next letter is from sweet Mariza. I just received a photo update of her, which I will share the full version of soon. But for now, you just get to see her sweet face. :) This letter is written on the My School template. 

Mariza is 7 years old and is from Nicaragua. Her letter was written on March 15th, 2018. 


1. I am in: 2nd Grade 

2. My school is 50 mf from my house (anybody know what "mf" is?)

3. I get to school by: Walking

4. My favorite thing about school is: Classes 

5. My favorite school subject is: Learning, Enterprise, & Prosper (sounds interesting!)

Hello Dear Sponsor Kayla, 

Greetings from your sponsored child Mariza. Your sponsored child is so happen to write to you. She wants to tell you that she likes to attend school. Her favorite things are playing with dolls, drawing, painting, doing homework, and watching television. Her mother's name is Elieth and her father's name is Eufenio. Her grandmother's name is Evania and her aunt is Charlotte. She lives in the Roger de Jon neighborhood. She says thank you so much for writing to her. She asks you to pray for her and her family. She says goodbye with much love. 


Now I'll share a letter from Sandra, who is writing to me about the weather where she lives. 

Sandra is 6 years old, lives in Uganda, and she wrote her letter on April 14th, 2018. 


1. We have a dry/rainy season: 2 times a year

2. Right now the weather is: Rainy

3. My favorite kind of weather is: Sunny

4. When the weather is sunny I like to: Wash utensils and play with friends

5. On my birthday the weather is usually: Dry 

6. Thank you for: The prayer and support of me

7. My prayer requests are: For God's protection, wisdom, and provision. 

Sandra sends you greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. She says that she is in primary one. She tells you that she helps her parents by washing utensils. She likes to listen to music and sing Sunday school songs. 


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