
Monday, December 7, 2015

Letters From Some Little Guys

I've heard from several of my boys and young men lately, so I decided to separate their letters into two groups: little guys and big guys. Today, let's hear from the little guys.

First, a letter from Enmanuel. He is 7 years old and lives in the Dominican Republic. His letter is dated September 8th, 2015.


Dear Kayla, 

God bless you. How are you? My family and I are fine. I already started my school and I'm doing very well. My siblings are living with my father and I'm living with my mother now. When my brothers come to see me I feel very happy and they treat me very good. I'm in 3rd grade and my teacher's name is Ada. I thank you a lot for your letter and I would like to keep learning about you. I ask prayer for my studies, to continue doing well. 

God Bless,


Next, a letter from Kwizera. He's 10 years old and lives in Rwanda. He wrote this letter on October 3rd, 2015. 


Dear Kayla, 

My beloved parent! Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. How are you doing? We are doing well and are blessing God. I have had problems with my throat, but I am getting treatment and I am getting well. We did not have much harvest of crops. We are now buying food from the market. We took tests but haven't got our results yet. We study English, mathematics, social studies, science, and the local language. While at the project, we pray and sing. We also learn the word of the Lord. We have been learning from Luke 12:25. May God's protection keep being with you. With my family, I was excited to receive your and hear from you through your letter. Thank you for updating us about your family news. May God continue to bless you and intervene in your life through whatever you are doing. 



Lastly, a very short letter from Ernest. He clearly wasn't in a very chatty mood on the day he wrote this letter. Ernest is 10 years old and is from Ghana. This letter was written on September 16th, 2015. 


Dear Kayla, 

Ernest says thank you for your support and love. God bless you. He says that the project is competing in inter-cluster football games. Ernest asks how are you and your family? Ernest says God should bless you and protect your family. Please pray for God's grace upon his family. He shares Isaiah 9:6 "A child is born to us, a child is given to us, He will be our ruler, He will be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace." 


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