
Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Three Letter Tuesday: Volume 14

When I first started doing these posts, I figured I would run out of letters and have to discontinue them. However, the opposite has happened. I have such a backlog of letters to blog that I could probably add another day of the week to this series and still have a backlog. I'm not going to add another day, but I have A LOT of letters. It's really such a blessing.

I will keep my letter posts to twice a week, so if these posts are your cup of tea, check back every Tuesday and Friday. :)

The first letter of today's post is from Milkias. It's not a super detailed letter, but I did get to find out how he spent his birthday money, which is always exciting.

Milkias is 13 years old, lives in Ethiopia, and his letter was written on July 10th, 2018.


My Beloved Sponsor, 

How are you doing along with your family? My family and I are doing well. I am very happy and thankful for your letter. I would like to thank you a lot for your gift money. Shoes, trousers, a t-shirt, slippers, and a shirt were bought for me. May God bless you! I am very happy to be sponsored by you. I would like to thank you a lot for all your other support. See you with the next letter. I love you. Goodbye. 



The next letter is from Faith. Her letters go back and forth between between detailed and chatty to just being more general letters. Pre-teens! 

Faith is 12 years old, is from Kenya, and her letter is dated August 13th, 2018. 


Hello My Dear Kayla, 

I salute you in the name of Jesus Christ. How are you? I hope and trust all is fine. On my side, I am fine in the Lord. God has been faithful to me and I thank him for everything. My dear, I am happy for the letter you sent me. I read the good story of Jack and the Beanstalk. It was very interesting and I enjoyed reading it. Also the pictures were good. I really appreciated them. In the story I learned not to be greedy with everything; to hold onto what you have for it is enough. Otherwise, I wish you all the best and I thank you very much for all your support. May the Lord bless you very much. My family members are fine and good, but please keep praying for us, as I do to you. 



The final letter of today is from my girl Mariela. She is writing to me about several of her favorite things. I love letters like this. Personality just shines through! 

Mariela is 13 year old and lives in El Salvador. Her letter is dated August 27th, 2018. 


Hello Dear Sponsor Kayla, 

How have you been? I greet you, wishing you to be well next to your family and the people around you. I want to tell you that you are always in my prayers, so that God will keep you and bless you always. Today I want to talk a little bit about the topic of my favorite things. My favorite food is chicken. My favorite animals are pandas, penguins, and dogs. My favorite Bible verse is Psalm 1 in the Old Testament. My favorite sports are soccer and softball. I like to come to the project to learn the word of God. I want to thank you for the letter you sent me. I really liked the story of Pinocchio. God bless you so much. I want to ask you to always include me in your prayers, so that God blesses me and my studies. Now I say goodbye with a lot of love. I send you a hug. 



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